View Full Version : I can't take this anymore!

27-02-12, 00:03
Please where is the magic button to make this fear go away!?!

I am living with the fear of dying 24/7 I feel so lost with it all!! At the minute I have a headache but can't work out where in my head it is coming from, I don't want one in my forehead as I was told apparently thats not good? whaaat? why not? I was going to type it in google but stopped myself as I knew I was scare myself silly!!

I also have pains all over my body, I was told by doctor I had fibromyalgia but is this true, or is it something they are telling me just to fob me off! I don't feel they listen to me, I really want this to leave me alone now, I can't stop crying! I am sooooo scared! :-(

sherylee xx
27-02-12, 01:35
lots of people get headache in their forehead hun, i dont know what fibromyalgia is so cant help there but seriously get of here go on youtube or somethin and watch some funny videos on there it will help take your min d off it well it works for me its worth a try hun if you really are so concerned though hun ring nhs direct for reasurence :) xxx

27-02-12, 08:58
hey there,

You sound like your in the same boat as me... tough isnt it.. sometimes you just wanna be lifted away from your own nightmare thoughts. It could get better, you need to seek advice from your gp, normally you get offered CBT but you may just be put through for a intial assesment like me to see whats best for you... i live in fear every day, its tough staying happy for my children when to me i think im gonna drop dead. So i know how you feel...

As for Fibro, my sister has this and she has to take muscle relaxents to help with the pain. We think i have it too, (more common in females, and can be hereditory) but my gp is thinking that fibro can have the same symptoms as anxiety so he wants to treat the anxiety first...

Please ty and tell your self that your head is playing tricks, which it is... easier said than done cuz i cant do it myself .... take care xxxxx

27-02-12, 09:43
Thank you all for yor advice! Yeah the doctor prscribed me muscle relaxants for fibro but im too scared to take the tabs, all they seem to be doing with me is giving me citroalapram which I dont want cos again I am scared to take it.

I have been to anxiety work shops and counselling, I would like to try CBT but the docs have not offered me that yet, its just anxiety they say! Just makes me feel I am wwasting their time and their not really bothered about me! I know I am not alone and this sight has certainky proved that I didnt realise how many people could feel the same.

I just read through the symptoms of health anxiety on here and I get every single one, so i am trying to say its just that its nothing to fear! But I cant stop!

I will look at some funny vids though they to cheer me up too but I can wasily waste the day watching them!! Take care all and thank you again xxxx

27-02-12, 09:48
My sister had fybromyalgia so bad that she could hardly walk. She started taking Citalopram and it was like a magic wand- All her symptoms vanished! It wouldn't do you any harm to give it a try.

27-02-12, 10:07
my sister takes Amatriptalin and nortriptalin (spelling)