View Full Version : Right Cheek/lower eye area tingling

27-02-12, 04:15
This may sound weird, but this has been happening off and on for a few weeks now. It is such an odd sensation, and comes and goes. it starts out just blow my right eye, and very top of my right cheek bone. It will start to tingle and then burn and almost feel numb a bit. Of course, in my twisted mind I think it is a stroke or Bells Palsy or something. It seems to get worse when I am stressed out, or when I am thinking about it.

Just curious if any of you feel this, or ideas of what it could be.



27-02-12, 10:07
I isn't possible Tommya for anyone to give a medical diagnosis, but lets be honest the chances are that it is nothing serious, especially if it is coming and going. If it is something that bothers you, and is unexplained, then it is worth having a medical check-up.

03-03-12, 00:44
It is starting to spread down the right side of my face. Feels so odd, and brings panic on of course. I can't figure out of it is a sinus infection or nerves. It cost so much to go to the doctor's here in America, so I will feel like an idiot if it is anxiety.

Any one ever feel this?

03-03-12, 04:47
Yep it used to freak me out.
There's a nerve in your jaw , if you grind your teeth or clench your jaw or have wisdom teeth that need to come out or TMJ it can all irrate your nerve.
Causing numness .
I've gotten the numness mainly on the right side ,
My eye , under it , face , lip and ear have all gone numb.
Sometimes it full numness other times it feels like there's a feather on my face that I keep trying to brush off , then other times it's a light tingling sensation .

03-03-12, 16:10
Thanks so much, thought I was stroking out or had bells palsy. I need to learn to stay off of google. Last night, I did a salt water rinse through my nose, and I had instant relief. I need to listen to my wife more.

It is a weird sensation for sure, and suffering from anxiety makes it so much worse.

09-05-14, 02:52
I also get this weird slight numbness, tingling, decreased sensation thing on my face right below my eyes. That is the only spot. It can be anywhere from right below my eyes on the edge of my eye to the middle of my cheek below the eyes to the tip of my nose. On rare occasion it may burn a little. It mostly feels like a piece of tape is stuck on my face.

I've looked up this area and it is innervated by the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve, so that could be it, unless it is cervical somehow.

I can make it happen often by moving my jaw side to side.

I've had a history of TMJ issues, but right now my pain is mostly temples, neck and a little on the right side jaw muscles. When I chew the back of my neck hurts.

I also get weird water and burning sensations all over my body that may or may not be related. They started after I tried lyme disease treatment from a doctor who gave me a fake test and used bad antibiotics (Bactrim, Rifampin, Azithromycin, Minocyclin). It could be something else, but that is when it started.

The water stuff happens a lot in my feet when I walk. It always starts out really bad for a month and then slowly goes away over 18 months or so. I don't know if it goes away all the way. It has come back twice after an upper respiratory infection, but maybe something else did it like neck strain (a theory of min).

I've tried to get trigger point treatment and bought tons of books on it. I've also gotten an expensive neuromuscular TMJ orthotic that gives me a much more forward bite, but not seen much happen from that.

I know that some people say TMJ is not a dental problem, but really it is from trigger points in the back and neck, especially if you can open your jaw wide like I can. that is what Dr. Gunn the trigger point guy in Canada says anyway, and probably others too.

Worried 24/7
09-05-14, 03:27
Yep it used to freak me out.
There's a nerve in your jaw , if you grind your teeth or clench your jaw or have wisdom teeth that need to come out or TMJ it can all irrate your nerve.
Causing numness .
I've gotten the numness mainly on the right side ,
My eye , under it , face , lip and ear have all gone numb.
Sometimes it full numness other times it feels like there's a feather on my face that I keep trying to brush off , then other times it's a light tingling sensation .

That's exactly what I was going to say. I have the same problems and I'm pretty sure I have TMJ

---------- Post added at 07:27 ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 ----------

I also get this weird slight numbness, tingling, decreased sensation thing on my face right below my eyes. That is the only spot. It can be anywhere from right below my eyes on the edge of my eye to the middle of my cheek below the eyes to the tip of my nose. On rare occasion it may burn a little. It mostly feels like a piece of tape is stuck on my face.

I've looked up this area and it is innervated by the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve, so that could be it, unless it is cervical somehow.

I can make it happen often by moving my jaw side to side.

I've had a history of TMJ issues, but right now my pain is mostly temples, neck and a little on the right side jaw muscles. When I chew the back of my neck hurts.

I also get weird water and burning sensations all over my body that may or may not be related. They started after I tried lyme disease treatment from a doctor who gave me a fake test and used bad antibiotics (Bactrim, Rifampin, Azithromycin, Minocyclin). It could be something else, but that is when it started.

The water stuff happens a lot in my feet when I walk. It always starts out really bad for a month and then slowly goes away over 18 months or so. I don't know if it goes away all the way. It has come back twice after an upper respiratory infection, but maybe something else did it like neck strain (a theory of min).

I've tried to get trigger point treatment and bought tons of books on it. I've also gotten an expensive neuromuscular TMJ orthotic that gives me a much more forward bite, but not seen much happen from that.

I know that some people say TMJ is not a dental problem, but really it is from trigger points in the back and neck, especially if you can open your jaw wide like I can. that is what Dr. Gunn the trigger point guy in Canada says anyway, and probably others too.

I get the water feelingand burning sensations as of late and its been really freaking me out....I also get specific areas of pain(medial knee pain, inner ankles, bottom of feet....) and aching muscles

Fizzy Warrior
09-05-14, 10:03
I get similar facial sensations too and lately I've been convinced it's some sort of cancer. Previously, I was was convinced it was related to a cardiac problem but my doctor managed to convince me that it wasn't, so I switched to cancer instead. As you do. I've just read the sticky thread about anxiety over MS symptoms, and found it very useful and informative. (Because MS was one of the many other conditions I thought I might have!) I just found out that these sensations are extremely common and are very often caused by anxiety. And also, as some people have pointed out here, clenching your jaw and/or grinding your teeth may cause facial pain or numbness/tingling sensations too. I know I spend most of my time with my mouth firmly closed, teeth tightly clenched together. The only time I don't do it is when I'm talking or eating. I do it subconsciously, but I think it's because I'm tense and anxious. I am pretty convinced I sleep like that too, as I sometimes wake up with a very sore tongue because the edge of it has been clenched between my teeth at the side while I've been sleeping, so in effect I've been biting my tongue all night! Ouch! So... I know I suffer from health anxiety anyway, and I know I have a strong tendency to clench my jaws... so it's probably safe to assume that this is the main cause of my facial sensations. Well, that's the conclusion any rational person would come to, right?? Right. So now all I've got to work on is becoming rational....!

10-05-14, 18:40
I actually have been experiencing this for a while too. For me, it's been my left eye, but JUST the cheek bone/lower eye. It freaks me out for sure, and it was actually acting up last night until I made myself go to sleep. I know I have wisdom teeth that haven't been removed so I'm thinking that could be it, but for all I know, it could just be my nerves overreacting? If I don't think about it, I don't feel it as much, but if I dwell on it, it'll feel worse. Fun, fun.

02-12-16, 23:36
For the past few weeks I have been experiencing tingeling sensation in my right jaw/beneath my eye and downwards to the sinus/jawbone, and this only happens when I am eating/chewing food. There have been no other symptoms thant that.

At first I thought it could be related to a teeth/gum problem, but last week my dentist checked my gums and took a picture to make sure there was nothing going on. He then told me that everything looked fine and that he could not find anything wrong with either teeths or gums.

Then of course I began the usual stupid thing, to end up moving on to eye/jaw/brain/MS/Sinus etc, but I know that if I go that route, I will only make it much worse.
Hopefully this will go over by itself, and I will try to stay away from Dr. Google.

Sorry about the bump, but this was the first post that showed up when searching for what I have decribed.