View Full Version : 10mg to 20mg

27-02-12, 08:29
Hi guys, been on cit 10mg around 3.5 weeks, am I likely to get any side effects going up to 20mg

27-02-12, 09:05
hi you might notice a bit of an increase in your anxiety etc but should only be mild and not last too long xx

27-02-12, 09:30
Thanks, I know this sounds daft but doc advised to take 2 x 10mg while I've got them, is that ok? Lol x

27-02-12, 09:31
yeah thats fine, good luck xx

27-02-12, 09:38
Nic, your a good'un pet, I really appreciate you on here, as soon as I post, or anyone's else for that matter your always there to respond....thank you xxx

27-02-12, 09:39
Hi I went from 10mg to 20mg and I had a bit of increased anxiety for a few days but it does settle. Let me know u go x hugs x

27-02-12, 09:50
Thanks for your kind words h26 xx

angel wings
27-02-12, 11:47
let me know how you get on ive been on 10mg for 4.5 weeks and thinking of upping as still having anxiety was maybe going to try 15mg first and see how it goes.

27-02-12, 12:23
I will ddo angel wings xx

27-02-12, 13:06
20mg is cit's theraputic dose so you both should feel better on that dose eventually :hugs: xx

27-02-12, 23:24
Angel wings, so far I've been fine & like Nicola says 20mg is the therautic dose x

angel wings
28-02-12, 09:44
that's great glad to here keep me posted still haven't upped mine yet :doh:

28-02-12, 10:10
angel wings please don't be scared, just increase to 15mg first and see how you go? 10mg is barely anything and you need the theraputic dose to get better, i know its scary i upped my mirtazapine last night from 15mg to 30mg and i was shaking whilst i was taking it and could feel my heart pounding but so far ive been ok, i tend to work myself up and then that makes my panic worse, get a pill cutter and cut one of your 10's in half and take 15 for a few days :hugs: xx

angel wings
28-02-12, 12:58
Thanks nicola im going to make an appointment tommorrow and talk to the dr about it i really wanted to get of the amitriptyline before i upped the dose of cit but its been harder than i thought and am so blinking sensitive to tablets but probley would benefit from the higher dose...
so glad you have been ok on the upped dose fingers crossed for you :bighug1:

28-02-12, 14:38
your lucky yours let you cross taper on the cit with the amitriptyline, my physchatrist took me straight off cit onto mirtazapine :ohmy: oh my life the withdrawals were hell!! good luck xx

28-02-12, 14:42
Thanks nicola im going to make an appointment tommorrow and talk to the dr about it i really wanted to get of the amitriptyline before i upped the dose of cit but its been harder than i thought and am so blinking sensitive to tablets but probley would benefit from the higher dose...
so glad you have been ok on the upped dose fingers crossed for you :bighug1:

I know a lady who takes both she takes amitriptyline for fibromialga i think 50mg and she also takes cit.

Cathy xx

28-02-12, 14:46
alot of people are given amitriptyline to help them sleep whilst they take cit aswell, the doc gave me some once when i was taking cit and struggling to sleep but they gave me awfull heart palpatations, scared the life out of me so never took anymore lol, but my friend whos actually a trained physchatrict nurse using amitriptyline to help her sleep if shes going through a rough patch, she swears by them infact she says there as effective for her as diazepam!! xx

28-02-12, 18:25
I recently upped from 10 to 20mg and it weren't too bad, felt abit spacey for a few days but now I feel great :D Hope it goes smoothly for you too :D

angel wings
28-02-12, 19:23
hi yes my doctor did say it would be ok i also take them for fibro but was hoping i could just take the cit hate taking tablets i have also gone back on the mini pill this week so not sure if thats not helping but nice to know someone else is taking them both together as when i looked it up it said dangerous combination :ohmy: and got me worried going to talk to the dr tommorrow and see what she suggests
thankyou for the info :)

01-03-12, 00:24
Hi Cameron , I take two 10 mg it's ok Hun promise I even took
40 at one stage , not all in one go , sorry my humour two in the morning / at night the are one of the best to be on , when I remember to take them .
Good luck
If you need to .
Zoe xx