View Full Version : I think I have a TMJ problem, is it a Dr or dentist I see?

27-02-12, 10:43
Right sided headaches, sometimes forehead.
Right ear ache
Tender jaw joint
Lower jaw ache
Pain in neck
Popping when I open mouth wide.

Do I see a dentist or Dr?

Does it sound TMJ?

27-02-12, 11:52
Dentist, I have suspected tmj and dentist is referring me for a opg scan xx

27-02-12, 12:02
Thanks for your reply.

What symptoms did you have?

27-02-12, 12:34
I went to the Doctor and he told me to go to the Dentist.
Dentist had a look and said all could do was refer me to hospital.
Had MRI scan then had a procedure where under general they injected some fluid and did a washout of the joint, which has helped alot, but it's not a cure.

27-02-12, 14:37
Hi there,
I had and still do have all of the above symptoms you described (except mine is the left-side). I first went to my doctor and he sent me to an oral surgeon at the hospital. They were unable to find a visible problem with me at the time. This was years ago, though, so I wonder what they'd say if I went now.
As it is, my doctor was pretty certain I had some sort of problem so I went to my dentist and had them make me a mouthguard to wear at night as I tend to clench my teeth.
Hope this helps a little

27-02-12, 16:21
Dentist. I have TMJ and I wear a mouthguard over night to correct my bite and keep me from clenching my teeth.