View Full Version : Iron tablets

27-02-12, 14:06
I am struggling on the iron tablets my GP has prescribed. I am on Ferrous Furmerate, in the past I have tried some others but they all give me awful stomach ache and constpation.

My GP wants me to take 2 a day but I couldn't handle that dose at all so went down to 1 a day which still upset my stomach. I am trying 1 a day and still getting awful stomach pains.

Does anyone know if you can get spatone on prescription? I am going back to see my GP next week as I can't carry on having these stomach aches, so uncomfortable.

I'm not anaemic, but my ferritin is low.

27-02-12, 14:59
i just started taking ferrous fumerate also, i started last week and i have to take 3 a day. I have to take them aswell as aspirin (pregnancy related) i really didnt want to take them because i am scared of side affects etc especially breathing but i figured if im severely anemic i have to do something about it.

Anyway i started taking them and only side affects i have had is upset stomach also but i would rather that than breathing one. Its wore off about now though i guess its my system getting used to them. Horrible tiny brown tablets like lol.

27-02-12, 15:06
have you tried eating when you take the tablet? Often the reason for the stomach ache is the fact that its a strong dose and there is nothing else in your stomach. When I was on iron tablets for iron deficiency, i took a glass of water and food with my tablet, as the water helps slow the speed at which the tablets are disolved in your stomach and the additional food intake makes the tablet absorb slower as it has other stuff to work on as well.

27-02-12, 16:14
Hi - don't think you can get Spatone on prescription - too costly - although always worth asking. You can buy it - not sure of the cost though - I have heard it is not an effective as the tablets though - sorry cannot be more helpful. Laura x

27-02-12, 19:23

Can you not afford spatone? a 28 day supply practically costs what a prescription does anyway (£7.99)

27-02-12, 20:20
Thank you all.

Yes I take them with food.

We get free prescriptions in Wales.