View Full Version : missed one pill.... bleeding

27-02-12, 14:30
can you bleed after just missing one pill, im on mycrogynon and didnt take it yesterday but just went to the loo an im kinda dark reddy bleeding, not blood but like dark reddy slimy blood....
I started taking this pill to stop my mid cycle spotting, so far so good but now ive missed a pill nd now dark reddy blood when i wiped. also i have had a head ache since last night

27-02-12, 14:41
Where are you in your cycle?

27-02-12, 15:05
bit confusingg but I'm new to the pill this month.. but didn't take start it til the day I finished my period. so I'm on day 21 of my actual cycle but only 2 weeks into my packet xx

27-02-12, 15:13
I was on microgynon 30 for about 17 years. When you first start them your body gets confused as its no longer on a natural cycle. So because its new to your body it doesnt know when you should come on, so if you miss a pill, it thinks its time and you start bleeding. One day off your pill would have caused one day spotting, which would appear the day after mising the pill. Now you have gone back to your daily pill, the blood will stop. Once you have been on the pill a while, you will not bleed from missing a day as you will have a lot in your system to cover it so to speak. Do not orry. If you do, pm me as i know loads about microgynon from firsthand experience.

27-02-12, 15:36
thanks xfilme make alot of sense.. thankyou for the reasurance xx