View Full Version : Sick in the mornings

23-06-06, 09:45
Hello, I had a really bad morning this morning. Woke up a few times in the night and felt really anxious then when I eventually got up I woke feeling shaky and sick. I was physically this morning and it was all the anxiety in my chest that caused it. I know it's not a bug or anything as I have had this so many times before. I also have a upset stomach as well. I was prescribed 10 mg of Ciprimil 3 weeks ago to help with my low mood and anxiety attacks. I went on holiday for a week and was feeling so much better and wasn't sick in the mornings and the panic wasn't there but since being back just getting myself up and in the shower to be in work for 9am stresses me out. I hate feeling this way. I am 27 and I always compare myself to other girls my age or anyone really and wish I could cope the way they do. Sorry to go on I just feel so lonely with this. I am not sure if to go back to the doc to up the Ciprimil. Maybe 10mg is not enough to help??? Can anyone advise?

Thanks for your support

23-06-06, 09:47
I suggest you go back to the docs to review your meds if you dont think it is helping. It does take some time for meds to kick in so patience is needed in the first few weeks.

Sorry you feel so poopy. Feel better soon x

Hay x

23-06-06, 09:58
This is the exact same symptoms I have. It's really hard to concentrate on anything when you feel this way. The only thing I found helped (apart from 20mg of Cip...) was either doing something really simple but consuming - cleaning or watching a favourite film or listening to the radio. It may help to stop the panic rising in your chest which sets of the vomiting. Please try and drink plenty of water and don't force yourself to eat if you don't want to, because as soon as you become calm again you will feel hungry. Remember we are thinking of you - read some of the posting on the 'Cure' Trev's really funny and that can help. Speak to someone about what's going in your head - even if you post here - saying it out loud can help.

marie ross
23-06-06, 10:02

I'm not on any medication so i can't help you in that area, although it might be worth it just to go back and see the doctor who will be best to advise you.

I to suffered from terrible anxiety and was physically sick most mornings for a couple of weeks. It freaked me out , i thought there was something seriously wrong with me. The sickness has gone, but the anxiety is still there in the mornings, its just a bad habit now!!!! Like you said, when i go away on holiday the anxiety goes, it's just the thought of having to get up and get ready for work (groan!!!) It is a horrible feeling, but i try not think about it.

Give it time and you will get there and soon you'll notice your anxiety lessen.

Hope you feel better soon. Take care.

Marie XXX

23-06-06, 10:49
Thanks for your responses. I am going to go back to see the doc next week. See how I am over the weekend. It helps to know I am not the only one suffering with this. I am in work now and am feeling better than I did first thing this morning but then towardds the end of the morning I usually do.

Thanks again for your advice. Means so much.
Take care.

23-06-06, 11:30

I too suffer like that, on and off. When I am really anxious I can't even look at food and am sick every morning! Not nice. I di know though that as soon as I am less anxious the loss of appetite goes and so does the sickness. I take 20mg of cipramil - which has helped me enormously, but if I am particularly stressed then I still get severe anxiety and have to think my way out of it.


23-06-06, 12:22
Sounds like we are all in the same boat. I find by the time I get to work and get busy then the anxiety becomes less and then I can eat. I am going to go back to the doctor and see if 20mg of cipramil will be a better dose. Did you have any side effects - I already take 10mg and have been for 3 weeks.
