View Full Version : medication free?

27-02-12, 20:44
iv only recently been suffering with very bad anxiety due to health problems which have put me under a lot of stress. i have an ongoing health condition where i take about 7 tablets a day. all this tablet taking has made me sick :( long story short, i was put on some anti-sickness tablets which i had a bad reaction too which sent me into a huuuge panic attack. ever since that panic attack i can only bring myself to take everyday medication. i used to live of paracetamol but now i cant even bring myself to take it because im so scared if il have a reaction..
when i visited my doctor she mentioned putting me on some tablets which may help with my anxiety but i really dont want to go on them. im worried about the effects and if il react badly.
i was wondering if anyone who suffers with bad anxiety has managed to control with no medications? and also how you have done this?
Thank you :) x

27-02-12, 21:47
I was given a course of Diazepam which I found really nice and they helped calm down the anxious feelings, and helped me sleep better. They are not recommended for long term use as they are addictive, I therefore only use them when I really need that extra bit of help. As for medication free, I've taken up Ashtanga Yoga which is really good and helps with calm breathing. All exercise is good with helping relieve the symptoms of anxiety. Go for a good walk or run, take a bath and think positive happy thoughts whilst paying attention to long deep breathing.
Good luck - it does get better and you can sort this yourself... Just take your time and don't be hard on yourself.

27-02-12, 22:10
hi....sorry to hear your suffering with your anxiety!!!!

i suffer with anxiety teamed with obsessive thoughts. previously i have been on medication but currently am not (4months off meds now). when i first suffered with anxiety i diddnt take meds for years. i think its important to find what works for you. have you had any therapy?? make sure you take good care of yourself- diet, excercise and sleep (v.important). i try and avoid any triggers of my anxiety, e.g alchol. and i talk.... lots!!!!lol. really helps to clear my mind. keep in touch with your gp and keep them up to date with your feelings on things. you will find lots of support on here, so good luck :)