View Full Version : trying hypnosis

27-02-12, 20:56
well I have made an appointment for a consultation for hypnosis...sooooo hoping this helps as im all out of ideas and hope...:huh:
im hoping it deeply relaxes me....

28-02-12, 07:58
I have done it Sarah and it is amazing. You need a few sessions. My Hyponotherapist gave me a cd which i uploaded onto my ipod so i can carry it around in my bag. It really is brilliant.
I am going back in next few weeks to tweek it a bit and get another session for when I can't sleep.
Good luck, let me know how you get on.

28-02-12, 08:55
I tried hypnotherapy and I found it had no affect on me whatsoever, but it does work for some people.

28-02-12, 09:26
I’ve just had my fifth session. It makes me relax and feel good. I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD. I also have anxiety and depression. I had rewind therapy at hypno. It’s a therapy to go back to the incident, and relive it. But in a calm and relaxed state. It’s hard to explain. Not painful, or emotionally uncomfortable at all. In fact when I was leaving one session, I tripped up. It made me laugh out loud, which was so alien to me its months since I did that! (Laugh not trip!):roflmao: Unfortunately I have to stop, the hypno was private, but as im just starting counseling, (NHS) she doesn’t want me to do both. If the counseling and EDMR don’t work for me, I shall return to Hypno. I would say to anyone, go for it .A very positive therapy for me. Enjoy!
Diane x

28-02-12, 09:57
Thanks, so some mixed reviews then, i have had it before for something else and im not sure i actually went 'under'!
So heres hoping, i want to change the way i think and my mind etc.