View Full Version : Anxiety about being a Dad

27-02-12, 20:57
I am first of all in my sane area or relaxed positive mind glad that my wife is pregnant and due to give birth in Sep 2012... And I write many positive things about it. But on the other side mostly mornings I feel threatening thoughts and feelings of horrid thoughts and worry how I can cope at all in this role. I already have other kids and the relationships broke up as I got sick. But this lady we have been together 8 years and have more stability. But anyway... I can hardly cope with the bad thoughts when it comes upon me in a hard way..... And I can now feel some of the recovery I have gained over the years which is allot feels under threat. Thanks for reading....

29-02-12, 09:32
I think lots of men freak out when they are having a baby, its a normal reaction to something so lifechanging. I know you have other kids but this is your first with your wife so its bound to cause an upheaval in your mind. I know from experience and talking to others that having a baby brings out lots of feelings that you thought were buried and can be quite distressing...can you share any of this with your wife? She may be feeling similar, who knows.

02-03-12, 06:47
But I have been feeling that the recovery program I have build up for years and even more the last two years will come to an end as I already find myself losing interest in the things I was doing a little. yes I think its bringing out some stuff I don't fully know about myself. I have told my Wife and we made some agreements for me to keep doing some of what I already do to recover. So i can get on with it better. I only fear a terrible relapse or something.

02-03-12, 08:27
For the want of a better word , normal people (no anxiety problems) would be anxiuos about a new addition so don,t read to much into it perhaps ?

I know its easy to say , but i always find distraction techniques work when the bad thoughts get through , try to think positive and the negative thoughts just ignore and distract .