View Full Version : cant eat :(

27-02-12, 21:14
at the moment im just anxious aaaall the time and im finding it really hard to eat. il put the food in my mouth but its all i can do to chew and swallow it. i realised today that iv hardly eaten anything and im loosing quite alot of weight.
does anyone else get this? is it better to push myself to eat, even though it makes me feel really ill?
thank you:) xx

27-02-12, 21:41
Try eating "soft food" like mashed potato, soup, drinking yoghurt, scrambled eggs or even flavoured milk.



29-02-12, 13:13
i to have this i have lost about 15pound in weight over the last couple weeks. i put food or drink in mouth and i just heve and feelso sick to mystomach. im tired all time chest pain and numbness in left side.

04-03-12, 20:40
Bless you, how awful. I had exactly this and it got to the point where I couldn't really afford to lose any more weight. I knew the nausea and churning stomach was down to adrenaline and that was when my doctor prescribed propranolol, largely to actually enable me to eat. Eating is essential when you suffer with anxiety to keep you strength up, blood sugar levels stable etc etc so if you experience this symptom much longer I would definitely recommend going to have a chat with your GP.

04-03-12, 21:05
this is my main symptom when I am anxious. It really doesn't help either when people say 'Are you loosing weight' or 'You really should eat more' because that just puts you under more pressure. I find that if I can try to relax my appetite comes back naturally, and I find it easier in the evening/night than any other time. In then mean time, I drink sugary drinks and soup to keep me going. Marmite (if you like it) on a piece of toast also has lots of B vitamins which are meant to be good.
Take care.x

04-03-12, 21:19
Hello joc. Maybe try drinking a nourishment type of drink. At least you'll be getting the proteins, vitamins etc your body needs until you get your appetite back. I would say just check what is in the drink wont upset your anxiety ie caffeine?

Darren :)

04-03-12, 22:10
Hi JoC,

I'm exactly the same when I'm anxious - my appetite is the first thing to go. I find the best thing is to eat little and often, trying to eat foods with plenty of carbs to keep up energy levels. The worst thing you can do is give in to it and stop eating. I know how hard it is though.

Look after yourself

Pip xxx

04-03-12, 22:49
Hi , yes I have issues too , feel sick , sometimes even puke up , but gotta get the food in or you just feel worse, I fine eating better in evenings also , but then it takes me ages to get to sleep which is a bummer at times.

The chemists stock special drinks and soups etc , which may help for those having difficulty easting and they all full of all the essentials , they dont taste too bad

05-03-12, 02:44
Can't eat much myself of late. Since my heart issues started at the end of Deember I have lost 20lbs and really just don"t feel hungry at all. I do eat some, but way less than I used too.

Even the medication I am on is supposed to cause weight gain, but not with me. I just worry and have too much anxiety about things to eat much anymore.

I also try to eat healthier now and way less salty foods to help my heart stay good.

Also find I am very fatigued so don't get much exercise either. ..

06-03-12, 09:56
Try Complan. Much easier to drink a meal replacement drink. If you like chocolate milkshake, the chocolate one is quite nice. Full of vitamins and minerals.