View Full Version : Taking aaages to recover from panic attack!

27-02-12, 21:37
I usually have mild panic attacks when it near exam time at school, and I have them at training mostly around this time. But in the last two weeks, I've been off for half term bu then had 3 in that week! It really scared me as the week before i felt pretty relaxed, I'm now in this constant state (2 weeks on) that I'm going to have another 'episode' at some point. Also, I have been unbearably horrible to my family at home, its because I feel ashamed of the way I am behaving so completely shut myself off so they won't be disappointed and annoyed with me but they now just think i'm being deliberately rude. I've only told my dad about the panic attacks but although he tries he just sees it as me being a slightly self-concious teenager.
I'm finding that after these panic attacks I'm finding it increasingly difficult to get out of this cycle of low mood- I'm crying most nights, don't speak alot at school or at home, and I haven't slep more than 4 hours a night since 2 weeks ago. I'm at my wits end here and just feel a bit lonely. Hope someone reads this who understands as I really have no idea whats going on and its freaking me out. :weep:

28-02-12, 11:48
hi know how you feel a couple of years ago i was like that scared of having panic attacks shutting myself off from my family its horrible you get yourself in this cycle that seems hard to get out of but u can i done it it takes time unfortunatly ive had a relapse but i no if ive got through it once i can again and will just remember panic attacks wont harm you there just horrible sensations that pass i also think you should talk to your family about how you feel i did as much as they dont understand what its like they help me get through it on a bad day, be strong hope your ok x