View Full Version : really bad day need encouragement

27-02-12, 22:22
hi all, for those who dont know me im 20 yrs old and have been suffering with panic disorder, depersonalisation/derealisation and depression for the past 3 years....... today has been another really bad day: felt depersonalised all day and had alot of intence panic attacks. i had a bad night last night (woke up twice just to have panic attacks).... im feeling completely hopless right now and need some words of encouragement. i feel exhausted and drained after today but i feel too scared to sleep because i dont want to wake up for more panic attacks... any advice or encouragement would be much appreciated..... thanks for reading


27-02-12, 23:03
Hey Lee, I hear you. It's an awful place to be. I read a couple of your earlier posts and it does seem as if you are having an up and down time at the mo. Just remember that a panic attack is the body's ruse and it won't hurt you, just frighten the bejesus ojt of you! Also, think about your good days before you go to sleep, you will be more likely to wake into another then. It seems clear that the panic has become totally self serving, as it often does. You need to try and starve it of the fear that feeds it. Warm bath, hot drink, doze to the tv. Relaxation will come.
You take care.

27-02-12, 23:15
Hey Lee, I hear you. It's an awful place to be. I read a couple of your earlier posts and it does seem as if you are having an up and down time at the mo. Just remember that a panic attack is the body's ruse and it won't hurt you, just frighten the bejesus ojt of you! Also, think about your good days before you go to sleep, you will be more likely to wake into another then. It seems clear that the panic has become totally self serving, as it often does. You need to try and starve it of the fear that feeds it. Warm bath, hot drink, doze to the tv. Relaxation will come.
You take care.

thanks for the reply.... i am very up and down at the moment, yesterday was a relatively good day. whereas today has been the complete opposite. i try so hard to take my mind off it, but its easier said than done. i appreciate you for taking the time to post to my thread. just knowing theirs people here who can reassure me makes a difference. i just hope tonight will be good and il have a better day tomorrow

27-02-12, 23:29
You're ok and you're going to be ok. Remember "this too shall pass". You say yourself that yesterday was a good day, so you already know that this isn't permanent. Depersonalisation feels absolutely horrible, but it can't hurt you. It's a symptom of anxiety, just the same as a sneeze is a symptom of a cold.

I know what it's like to have those bad days. You feel so alone and unsafe and you feel like it'll never end. It's scary, I know. But you're not alone. There are so many of us who are going through this and if you take a look at the success stories on here, there are so, so many people who have beaten it.

These feelings you're having are just that: feelings. They can't hurt you, as horrible as they feel. Remember "feelings aren't facts".

The best advice I can give you is just to go with the flow and let this pass. I know that goes against every instinct because when you have an attack all you want is for it to stop. But the more you fight against it, the more power you give it. Just accept it and it will go away. It takes practise, but it works.

Be kind to yourself, don't beat yourself up about this and remember that you're not alone.


27-02-12, 23:43
You're ok and you're going to be ok. Remember "this too shall pass". You say yourself that yesterday was a good day, so you already know that this isn't permanent. Depersonalisation feels absolutely horrible, but it can't hurt you. It's a symptom of anxiety, just the same as a sneeze is a symptom of a cold.

I know what it's like to have those bad days. You feel so alone and unsafe and you feel like it'll never end. It's scary, I know. But you're not alone. There are so many of us who are going through this and if you take a look at the success stories on here, there are so, so many people who have beaten it.

These feelings you're having are just that: feelings. They can't hurt you, as horrible as they feel. Remember "feelings aren't facts".

The best advice I can give you is just to go with the flow and let this pass. I know that goes against every instinct because when you have an attack all you want is for it to stop. But the more you fight against it, the more power you give it. Just accept it and it will go away. It takes practise, but it works.

Be kind to yourself, don't beat yourself up about this and remember that you're not alone.


thankyou so much for the best advice/encouragement that ive had so far from nmp member... im trying to think positive now and tomorrow WILL be a good day...... once again thankyou :hugs: