View Full Version : Freaking out!

miss polly
28-02-12, 00:18
I've been feeling really jittery and anxious. Lots of palps and a racing heart. I've lost a lot of weight in a relatively short space of time and I read that it can damage your heart. Great! I lose weight because I have HA and was terrified I was going to drop dead and now I may well drop dead from heart damage anyway! I took my bp and it's 100/65 and that's when I'm feeling anxious ~ in fact I'm on the verge of losing it! My bp shouldn't be so low. I'm so scared right now.

28-02-12, 06:51
I an so relate to you. I have lost over 20lbs since Christmas and it is worrisome. I ended up having a very fast heart beat on Dec 28th and was admitted to the hospital for a few days till it got under control again. I am on medication now to keep it slower and my bp down. I go as low as 95/64 most mornings and evenings 105/70 ish.
Do you have a doctor you can go see? or a clinic. Might be an idea just to get checked out. I think low bp is better than high for your heart as long as you don't feel too dizzy.
I worry about mine being too low now, but doctor says its fine. I really don't like the palps either, but they seem to have gotten less too.
Weight seems to have stablized for now and I try to eat more, but just not hungry.

Please post again and let us know how you are....take care

miss polly
28-02-12, 09:36
Thanks for replying Joelle ~ I appreciate it. I think I will go to the doctor just to get it checked although I hate going and put it off till I'm in a right panic! (I always think they're going to tell me I'm dying!!) I checked it again this morning and it's slightly higher so I feel a wee bit easier today. I hope you get your appetite back and manage to start enjoying your food. There's nothing like a good dose of anxiety to kill an appetite stone dead!
I'm sorry you're troubled with palps. Did they say what caused your fast heart beat?
Keep in touch and take care :hugs:

28-02-12, 11:48
Get a check up from your GP, who I am sure will tell you that you are ok :) And stop checking your pulse/bp!

28-02-12, 20:35
Doctor said it could be some Atrial fibrillation, but I hope not as that is more serious. Just want it to be anxiety and easily managed.
I felt a bit dizzy this morning at work, but ate and seem ok now. Just trying to eat a bit more, but hard when so not hungry.
Hope Dr. has good news for you when you see him

Take care

28-02-12, 20:59
I'm the same as you! On Saturday night, I woke up at 2am with crazy palpitations and was sweating. I don't know what caused it to be honest, but I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. I had to work all day Sunday and I was feeling terrible. My heart was still pounding. However I work part time in a hospital and am friends with the nurses, so I asked them to take my bp... it was something like 133/95 and my pulse was also wayyyy up. I told them how anxious I was, I'd been having palpitations all night and they told me to go and sit down for a wee while, and come back again. I managed to sit down and relax, I went back and my bp was perfect! I really think it's all anxiety related, and they said that people's bp goes up/down when they know they're about to have it taken. Try to relax for a while, and take it again and I bet it's alot better.

miss polly
28-02-12, 23:13
Doctor said it could be some Atrial fibrillation, but I hope not as that is more serious. Just want it to be anxiety and easily managed.
I felt a bit dizzy this morning at work, but ate and seem ok now. Just trying to eat a bit more, but hard when so not hungry.
Hope Dr. has good news for you when you see him

Take care

I hope you manage to find out exactly what it is Joelle and if it is AF it's managed properly as I'm sure it would be. Hopefully it is just anxiety. The docs always err on the side of caution and that's one reason I loathe going. Last time I went they sent me for an ultrasound which just about sent me crazy with anxiety. Turned out to be nothing. I wish I hadn't gone to the doc in the first place!
My bp is a bit higher today and I've eaten more. Maybe I'm just not eating enough. Take care xx

---------- Post added at 23:13 ---------- Previous post was at 23:09 ----------

I'm the same as you! On Saturday night, I woke up at 2am with crazy palpitations and was sweating. I don't know what caused it to be honest, but I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. I had to work all day Sunday and I was feeling terrible. My heart was still pounding. However I work part time in a hospital and am friends with the nurses, so I asked them to take my bp... it was something like 133/95 and my pulse was also wayyyy up. I told them how anxious I was, I'd been having palpitations all night and they told me to go and sit down for a wee while, and come back again. I managed to sit down and relax, I went back and my bp was perfect! I really think it's all anxiety related, and they said that people's bp goes up/down when they know they're about to have it taken. Try to relax for a while, and take it again and I bet it's alot better.

Those night time palps are awful Mary ~ I hate them. I'm not usually woken up by them (although I have been) but I usually get them as soon as I lie down. They can keep me awake for hours.
My bp problem is the opposite to yours in that it's too low. I'm 50 and I smoke so I don't know why it's so low! I'm slim but even so I would have thought it should be higher than than it is. It's consistently low even at times of high anxiety!
I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight with no palps! Take care xx

29-02-12, 06:13
I just had my birthday in January and what a birthday present having heart problems. I don't smoke and rarely drank alcohol and exercised. Thought I lived a pretty healthy life. My mom had a stroke though and there has been heart problems in the family history. Actually my mom passed away just over a year ago due to complications after heart surgery and that has been very stressful for me too. My kids live quite a distance from me now too so it is hard to relax and stay calm. Might have all added up to too much stress.

I am trying to be more relaxed now and take a wee bit of Ativan if I feel anxious and it seems to calm and help. I have some friends too that invite me over so I do get out too. I will just continue to monitor my bp and take my medication from the doctor and hopfully it will be manageable. Some nights I have woke up with fast heart rate and high bp and its very scary. Now my bp is lower and I like it as high did scare me with the fast pulse too.

Keep monitoring yours and maybe it will go back to regualar again. Also can depend on what time of the day you take it as it fluctuates lots during the day and always seems higher when I'm at the doctors office. When I wake up is the lowest and then before bed again....