View Full Version : too much now :(

28-02-12, 07:57
Been awake all night in pain on my right side of my hip and pelvis... so worrying about blood in my wee, also I missed my birthcontrol pill on sunday and started bleeding yesterday,now im bleeding loads i have the worst headache since sunday night and feel a complete wrek. Why am i hurting so much, why am i bleeding so heavy after just missing one tablet, is it my midcycle bleeding i used to get, do i have cancer like i thought i did? i am so fed up with my body, i dont know where my pain is coming from and im sick of bleeding out of either hole... why cant my docs just tell me whats up rather than telling my my anxiety needs sorting, I still have symptoms dont it??? i really cant cope :weep:

28-02-12, 08:01
how old are you pearl if you dont mind me asking?

28-02-12, 08:02
32 x

28-02-12, 08:05
same here! i seriously wouldnt worry. the birth control pill can cause loads of probs, even missing one id expect especially if you have been on it a while. are you up to date with smear tests?

28-02-12, 08:08
i only started the pill this month due to having a week of spotting around ovulation for the last few months, docs said i should go on the pill to sort it, i had my smear in april last year x

28-02-12, 08:10
if your smear was ok i seriously wouldnt worry. im worrying about loads right now. health anxiety is awful!! stops you living your life. i have so many friends that have mid bleeding. maybe its stress related? xx

28-02-12, 08:12
yes it maybe because its been since my stress has been at its worse.. but you know healrh anxietyi worry that they made a mistake with my smear!!! :( plus i always have blood pick up on a urine dipstick all the time and im worried about that :(

sherylee xx
28-02-12, 09:59
i used to have ovulation bleedin before i fell pregnant with my second id bleed for about 3 days while ovulatin but since havin my baby i dont anymore xx

28-02-12, 10:10
ive heard 3 days is about normal.but not a week likei was doing xx

28-02-12, 11:57
Hi there,
I know we all do it.....sit and worry like mad...but I would certainly take a wee sample to docs to be checked out and have a chat with doc purely for your own peace of mind. Otherwise you will just keep going over and over worst case scenarios in your head and making the panic even worse.

Believe me I've been there.....loads of times....including this last week.

Thank goodness for this site and the support on here!

Keep us posted how things are going.

28-02-12, 12:02
breakthrough bleeding is normal, especially when you're new to a pill. I'd try not to worry about it. From the sounds of it, you're pretty close to when you'd naturally start bleeding now so your body is probably a little confused from the missed pill. My first bleed after starting microgynon 30 (despite only having a year break from it) was agonising. It was SO heavy and SO painful, I thought I was dying! Honestly. And this was before my HA!!
It's completely normal. If it keeps happening or if you're in too much pain/discomfort then pop back to your GP and get them to change the pill.

I really don't think you have cancer, hun.x