View Full Version : Been to docs re my throat, why aren't I relieved??

28-02-12, 10:11

For all of you that know me, I have had problems re my throat for over a month. I was convinced I had throat cancer and have been so scared, felt like I had a lump in my throat and could feel loads of lumps in my neck. I got myself in a right state! I had a scheduled doctors appointment for today so kept trying to last out!

Well had the appointment today! Anxiety hit me all the way there, that if I didn't know better I would have thought I was going to actually die! Dizziness, pains in places I didn't know exsisted, short of breath, throat felt like it was closing, palpatations, head ache, sweats, numbness and deralization where I felt in a bubble! ALL OVER A DOCTORS APPOINTMENT!!! I thought if I looked as bad as I felt she would actually commit me!!

Anyway sorry to babble, I told her my story about my throat, she felt all my neck and all my throat area and said there was no lumps and bumps to worry about, it all felt perfectly normal (so the lumps I were feeling were nothing, phew) and she looked in my throat and mouth and said, it all looks perfectly healthy and that it was probably globus and nothing to worry about. I said I was worried it was throat cancer and she said that it was very rare in someone my age who didn't smoke. Phew.... THEN SHE SAID..... IF IT DOESN'T CLEAR UP IN A MONTH THEN COME BACK AND MAYBE WE CAN GET YOU CHECKED OUT IN ENT..... I was happy to that point.

Do you think I should be okay and just carry on with my life now or would you be panicked that maybe she thinks something is wrong??? I am all confused now, would love your advise...... I was hoping I would come away all relieved......... :weep:

miss sparkle
28-02-12, 10:27
Though its alot easier said than done, i would try and relax. She had a good look and says your fine, so try and trust that. I know that this is half the problem, i find it hard to believe them too, but i think if she was at all worried, she would of refered you there and then.
Despite us feeling that they are always trying to put us off or trick us, they are there to help and i don't think they would not look into stuff if they were concerned, else what would be the point of them!
I wish i could take my own advice, as i am terrible, but the more we worry the worst we are and i am so fed up now, really making a effort to change how i think.

28-02-12, 10:34
Yes, I do think you should carry on with your life and put this down to anxiety - but - that is so so much easier said than done. :winks: I have been where you are now, and despite countless words of reassurance from the doctor, it often isn't accepted by those with HA. It is in the nature of the condition of HA to re-analyse and doubt that the medical opinion is correct. What you will need to do now is work really hard on reassuring yourself and feeding yourself positive thoughts about the diagnosis you have been given. Whenever a 'but....what if' thought comes into your head you need to come back with a 'but I have been seen and it all looks normal..' type of comment. Retraining how you respond to fears about your health will be really hard work, but it can be done.

28-02-12, 12:22
Thank you for your very positive replies carys and miss sparkle! You are both right, I really need to think positive and everytime a but....what if.... maybe... thought comes to me I will remember the doc told me all is normal!! I am so feed up with this HA, this time round I have wasted about 8 weeks worrying! What a waste of my life!! Will really try hard to ignore it and carry on!! Thank you xx

28-02-12, 17:05
God, you sound just like me.... for some reason I can never believe a doctors opinion... I worry that I haven't given her the right info, so she cant possibly diagnose me correctly etc....

As my husband keeps explaining... She is a doctor,.. BELIEVE THE DIAGNOSIS!

I too have a sore throat which feels lumpy. I thought it was getting better but since I have lit my log burner today, it feels sore again. i am sure this is just my HA worrying about breathing in smoke and bringing on my symptoms.

Over the weekend, when I was enjoying myself, it seemed to get better.

Am sure this is just your HA giving you grief.

Believe what your doctor says, drink lots of hot drinks and relax hun X

28-02-12, 17:18
As I said to you before, your symptons are exactly as mine were (still are sometimes to be honest) and mine were defiantely exacerbated by stressing over them.

Try and relax and be calm (easy for me to say I know,) and see how it goes. Mine didn;t improve so they ended up having a look down my throat at the hospital They had to poke a camera thing up my nose as I have a pronoounced gag reflex, but that was not nearly as bad as I feared it would be, and once they were happy it was globus/acid reflux they put me on some pills ( proton pump inhibitors) which have pretty much sorted me out.

I just imagine a whole new raft of symptoms of thoer stuff now, but hey at least my throat is better!

28-02-12, 22:27
LOL James! That is the problem with HA when you stop being paranoid over one thing another pops up!! Yes I will try and relax and see what happens! Thanks