View Full Version : Exciting new anxiety blog!

28-02-12, 11:39
Hi guys,

I've just started a new blog (which is causing me all sorts of performance anxiety!), which is meant to be a light-hearted, funny take on my experience with anxiety and panic attacks.

A lot of the anxiety blogs out there are brilliant, but very intense, serious and sometimes terrifying. I wanted to create something that has helpful hints and tips, and also exposes the inherent ridiculousness of anxiety with humour as well.

God knows if I've achieved it, but I would absolutely LOVE it if you guys could check it out, and maybe leave me some comments, or get involved in the discussion.

Go on, you know you want to!

Find it at http://ohvivresavie.blogspot.com/

Thanks everyone!


28-02-12, 12:19
Fabulous!! I like it alot.
The links and other blogs you have put up look to be good ones, I have read some and end up feeling worse and more anxious!

The set out is beautiful too, in my head you are now terribly glam, wafting around listening to your ipod with a faint aroma of lavender following you about.


28-02-12, 18:05
Oh, Rosie - thank you so much - and thanks so much for taking the time to tell me! You have absolutely made my day. Rest assured you are the first human being to have read it apart from my mum and boyfriend...

You are awesome!

Thanks again,

V x

PS. I love your description of me! I try my best to be vaguely glam (I wear a lot of red lipstick and vintage brooches) but obviously anxiety isn't always the most glamorous thing in the world!

william wallace
28-02-12, 18:39
I read the first page. Bookmarked:)

28-02-12, 18:44
Hi viv
What a wonderful site you have made, just had a quick look (will have a better look later tonight) its brilliant the layout:) i cannot wait to have a look later.... am all excited.....well done you:yesyes:
Manda xx

28-02-12, 19:11
Just read it... I love it!!! The middle of the night panic attack... You described it perfectly. What a wonderfully entertaining read!! :D

28-02-12, 19:13
That's great!

Well Done! :yesyes:

28-02-12, 19:25
PS. I love your description of me! I try my best to be vaguely glam (I wear a lot of red lipstick and vintage brooches) but obviously anxiety isn't always the most glamorous thing in the world![/QUOTE]

I don't know Anxiety can be exciting.... probably not glamorous, sometimes before a worrying night out I can be dressed up hanging over a toilet bowl looking quite rock and roll.:blush:

I keep thinking of starting a blog but even a diary starts off well and then just become overwhelmingly dull.

I will bookmark you! xx

28-02-12, 20:34
Love it! Absolutley brilliant!

29-02-12, 01:42
Quite fascinating, read a few bits, bookmark will revisit...as I'm nosy I'm curios to know your high profile job lol xx

29-02-12, 03:21
loved it, very funny and well written. i am a fellow sufferer, btw- of WI leader disorder :) actually maybe less a leader, and more the slightly shaky one that sits at the back and eats all the sandwiches.

29-02-12, 14:35
Guys - you are amazing! Thank you so, so, so much for your feedback - I'm very, very excited that you're enjoying it! (I can also breathe a huge sigh of performance-related anxiety relief, phew)

Please do comment on the blog itself, and definitely pass it on to all and sundry...

You're the best!

V x

---------- Post added at 14:35 ---------- Previous post was at 14:34 ----------

PS. Haybee - that's hilarious. Thank God I'm not the only one...