View Full Version : Health anxiety and frequent urination :( really fed up, will it ever end???

28-02-12, 11:43
Hi all again

Had a pretty good few days with not having the urge to wee, but today it's like boom, back again :( really fed up, how does anxiety cause frequent urination, it's like my bladder won't hold anything!

Please help today as I'm very close to googling and I don't want to!!!

Had anyone else had this symptom??


Jayne xx

28-02-12, 11:52
Me! I had it for months. Had tests done and all came back as normal. My Drs put it down to anxiety, which initially annoyed me because it would bother me even if I wasn't anxious.
It got better by itself in the end.. The less I think about it, the better it is. Also, I try to drink 1-2 litres of water a day. It makes it a bit worse to begin with, but it gets better.

Sorry you're having to deal with this, it's awful. It felt like torture :(

28-02-12, 14:10
Hi Breezay

Thanks for your reply, glad it's not just me, keep thinking I'm weird ha ha I'll take your advise on drinking more water see if it helps, I've had this on and off since the end of oct 2011 it's really awful isnt it :( it's worse on some days and can't pin point why!

Hope it goes soon


Jayne xx

28-02-12, 14:44
Hi, sorry to read that your suffering with this, it is exhausting and being told its anxiety doesnt help it stop. just wanted you to know that I had this for years and all my tests came back negative and i was told to accept that it was anxiety. The continual trips at night and days out and journeys ruined by it where certainly adding to my tiredness but I knew enough to know it was a real physical thing. Anyway eventually I had a cystoscopy which showed that I had 'interstitial cystitus' basically an erosion of the bladder lining, its not an infection or bacterial issue so doesnt show up in urine tests but it causes frequent urination and other abdominal discomfort -It was easily treatable, please check out a charity called COB (cystitus and overactive bladder foundation) they were really helpful. Happy to chat if you would like more info, hope you get it sorted out soon x

28-02-12, 14:57
Aww thanks for your post, I had had all the tests done ie urine culture, full blood count, kidney and pelvic ultra sound and cystocopy, so I have had the checks done and apparently I'm fine, wish it would go away I've been the toilet every hour so far today, but from last thurs to sun night I was good, no real urge to go, just need reassurance all the time, I'm convinced they've missed something, my doc says it's health anxiety I'm so fed up!
Jayne xx

29-02-12, 20:25
Jayne, if you've had all the tests then at least you know it's a symptom of stress and nothing serious, please try and avoid coffee and acidic food and fizzy drinks. I was told that it takes about 20 minutes for liquid to reach your bladder so.. Drink a lot water and try and hold it for that long, when you go take a deep breath, tense up then really flop like a rag doll and relax your muscles. Say "release" as you go. This is meant to make sure that you completely empty your bladder each time, anxiety tenses muscles meaning we don't fully empty so constantly feel the need to go and also have urine to pass. Try it! Good luck, I hope you get some relief soon xx

29-02-12, 20:30
Dont google, your be up all night .

20-07-12, 12:03
I had this problem for about a year, and my doctors found nothing wrong with me and I was so fed up. I did some research and found a book called A headache in the pelvis and I followed the advice and it went away over a few months. It works by teaching deep relaxation combined with pelvic stretches.

20-07-12, 20:43
I'm reading A Headache in the Pelvis right now and it is very interesting! I have been having a rough time with frequent urination for the last few months and I had tests that confirmed no infection or inflammation. After doing some research, I am convinced now that being stressed and anxious can affect the organs in the pelvis sending things into over-drive. We pee more when we are nervous because it's the body getting rid of excess adrenaline but we also hold tension in the pelvis when we are anxious and if we do this long enough, we start to experience symptoms like frequent urination, irritable bowel, over-active bladder, abdominal cramps etc
I find that my symptoms seem to disappear either when I am really relaxed or I am very busy doing something and my mind is on other things..

20-07-12, 23:26
Hi Sebinkent
Yes that book really helped me overcome all my problems with frequent urination and urethral stinging. I have been pain free for well over a year now and am much happier because of it.