View Full Version : how long have you had bad HA?

28-02-12, 12:30
just curious how long all of you have suffered bad Health anxiety? thanks x

28-02-12, 14:25
Hi pearl
Had ha about 10 years with good and bad spells in-between, it's awful isn't it! Know exactly how you feel!
I'm here if you need any help!
Jayne xx

28-02-12, 14:36
its been 10 years for me, my ha has gotten worse since havin my youngest, hes two in may, i worry every day now, its a scary place to be,
got doc today at 6.30pm, see how that goes, not on meds, stopped that when i fell pregnant wi lil one, getting cbt.

wishing you well


angie xxxx

28-02-12, 15:00
hi ive had it too long it started when i was 8 after my grandad died got worse in my early twenties got better when i had my son and now im the same again i hate it but i know ill beat it again one day :)

28-02-12, 16:58

I have had it coming up for 3 years now. It mainly started after having my second child. Its been hideous and every symptom I analyse...Have done CBT, seen a counsellor but still I can't shift it. Like everyone I have good days and bad days....

Its rubbish X

28-02-12, 17:04
I've had it for 3 years also, but it's been really bad for the last year or so.

28-02-12, 19:34
I had severe OCD problems as a child, it was all contamination fears. Then it developed into true health anxiety about 6 years ago.

sherylee xx
28-02-12, 19:41
iv had it for 8 months now it started 2 months after the birth of my second child, i did have it everynow and then as a child but not as bad and long lastin as it is now :( xx

miss polly
28-02-12, 20:09
About 25 years ~ shortly after the birth of my first child. It's come and gone over the years, but the last few years have been consistently bad and seem to be getting worse.

29-02-12, 15:23
Around 2 months... and it's been hell :mad:

29-02-12, 15:28
HA first started 5 yeaars ago when i miscarried and hemorraged and lost 4 pints of blood.. from then on ive been a huge worrier, I thin my first major worry was a brain tumor, my doctor knew i didnt have one but i kept worring so got sent for a ct sscan.. all clear.. worries gone.... Until.... i got pregnant with my third child and my waters broke 3 weeks early and my son was in neo.. shocking my head was going bonkers, i had high blood pressure and i just had that horrible internal nevousness all the time. within this time which is about 3 years i must of visited the doctor 3 times a week, never a positive test, bloods , swabs, xrays.... but it was always tests asked for by me.. the doctor never thought i needed them. i suffered an episode of vertigo, thought i was having a stroke, i thought ive had all femle cancers, had scans, ultrsounds, thought i had spine cancer, mouth cancer,skin cancer. Then 2 years ago my best friend/nextdoor neighbour called me over to her house one morning cuz her baby wasnt responding, unfortuanately with all the attempts from me and her to save him , he died aged eight weeks, i will never forget holding him in my hands. So that made my HA sky rocket and my then son aged 6 months, was watched like a hawk, i could never settle. last year my he fell and broke is leg when he was 18month old, infortuantely diagnosed with the tumor condition of neurofibromatosis 1, now at this point i thought i was going to go mad...... it was then that my doctor decided to step in... since then i have thought ive had all cancers , kidney failiure, heart issues, muscle rotting, oh you name it if had it, but all test ive had in all this time are normal. in two months , ive had full bloods , renal ct scan, ultrasound all fine.. bur no one is convincing me i dont have a urinary cancer of some sort.. ... i seriously hate HA xx

29-02-12, 17:14
coming up to two years this may after a concussion