View Full Version : Health anxiety about pets!

28-02-12, 14:23
I realise that I have it about anyone or anything I am responsible for- so I was terrible about my son until he grew up and left home then I had no control anymore so the anxiety lessened, of course if he says there is anything physically wrong with him then wham its back but otherwise okay.

I adopted two bunnies 18 months ago and one of them is seriously ill, has almost lost the use of her back legs and been back and forth to vet in past 2 weeks. Saw the vet yesterday but by this morning it is pitiful to see her trying to drag her legs around so off to vets this afternoon.

My terrible dilemma is do I get the vets to try and find out what is wrong with her, it could be neuro or a parasitic disease and I have got the treatment for the parasitic disease but it does not always undo the damage alraedy done, but on the other hand she is a rabbit and I know the vet might suggest we just put her to sleep.

All my ha symptoms are in full force- heart racing feeling of not being in control and not wanting the responsibility of the health of even a rabbit!

28-02-12, 14:28
Unfortunately, if it is either parasitic or neurological, there's not really much chance of a good outcome. You need to be a good owner and take the poor bunny to the Vet asap. If the Vet decides the best option is to have her PTS then that's what you'll have to do.

I don't want to be cruel, because I know how upsetting it can be when our pets are sick. I have two bunnies myself. Maybe if having a pet is causing you this much distress, then you shouldn't own them? You have to be strong enough to take a sick animal to the Vet and you have to be strong enough to have them PTS if that is the best for the animal.

28-02-12, 16:22
If the rabbits in pain and has no quality of life, then id be guided by what vet suggests.

28-02-12, 18:44
I had 2 Bengal cats and my fav one Richie suddenly went down one day...cam home found him hiding behind the couch, over the next few days he was really sick....He had stomach cancer.....
We had to put him to sleep...it was the hardest thing in the world to do but it had to be done as leaving him like that would have been unfair.

Take the vets advise, they will know best although I never trust my doctors : /

28-02-12, 19:19
Saw the vet again this afternoon and her blood tests show that she has massive muscle damage and inflammation - vet thinking she may have spinal abcess. Because she is bright eyed and eating well he said to give her one last chance and gave her injections of powerful steriod and anti biotics. I have to take her back tomororw afternoon and unless there has been major improvement in her mobility then he will put her to sleep. I hate seeing animal suffer so would rather they were put to sleep than keep trying to tret them, I know this is not everyones views but def mine. So if she is no better tomorrow I will be suggesting it myself if vet doesn't.

Vet said there was an outside possibility that if it is infection in her spine then the steroids and antibtioics might work but they would have to make big big improvements fast. As he said they don't do spinal surgery on rabbits.

28-02-12, 19:27
My fingers are crossed for you hun. I really hope your bun makes a full recovery. I know this must be so difficult for you, but you are doing what is best for her.

Surgery is never really a good idea with rabbits, they don't do well under anaesthetic at all :(

I'm really sorry.

28-02-12, 19:29
Thanks Breezay. I just want it all over one way or the other, it breaks my heart everytime I go to her and she is dragging her back legs behind her trying to move around.