View Full Version : shaking

28-02-12, 14:34
Not sure if this is the right place or if been said before, quick update of me, I'm on cit, started on 10mg just shy of 4 weeks ago, started 20mg yesterday -

anyone know how to get rid of the all over shaking side of things? this isnt off the pills as ive always had it, its in my shoulders, hands, legs etc - if i lift something heavy it goes, its like being on a trapped nerve


28-02-12, 14:57
hi, my Nanna actually suffered from this but mostly in her hands and legs.....sometimes she couldn't even hold a drink it was that bad! after all tests ruled out parkinsons etc (which im sure you haven't got) she was prescribed beta blockers and they really seemed to help, anxiety can cause us to shake, you ought to see me in the mornings sometimes.........my whole bodies shaking lol!! have you spoke to your gp abiut this? xx

28-02-12, 15:00
not yet, but i will, i know its part of the anxiety, i just feel that minus the shaking / tremour like feeling i would feel alot better in myself - can u have beta blockers & cit? xx

28-02-12, 15:03
yep i took 80mg slow release beta blockers with cit when i started, shaking really is the pits............sometimes i struggle getting my fag to my mouth with my morning shakes :roflmao: xx

28-02-12, 15:14
lol i aint that bad, i still manage to smoke fine :ohmy: - alot of people say on here to quit smoking! i know it would be great health wise - but anxiety? :blush: i think it prob helps lol - anyway i just feel if i could get my nerves / shakeness away it would be a long help xx

28-02-12, 15:21
I have no intention of giving my fags up at the min, i enjoy them too much lol but i do need to cut down im smoking like a chuffing chimney at the min :blush: go and have a chat with your gp about your shakes/tremors im sure they will beable to help you xx

28-02-12, 15:23
I will do :D Thanking you (again) x

28-02-12, 15:35
I'm a smoker (smoking right now) but nicotine adds to your anxiety! When I was in hospital and very, very anxious I couldn't smoke. One puff and I was shaking and it triggered a panic attack!

There were notices up on the board saying that research showed nicotine increases anxiety.

Haz. :winks:

28-02-12, 15:44
Your probably right Haz, im not disputing that, it probably will be a fact as ive seen it flying around so much, but hey ho we will learn on this road to recovery :D

28-02-12, 16:10
Hiya I've had a tremor in my hands since about the age of 11, I had lots of tests done and everything was normal. It's just anxiety. It use to get me really down but now I accept it's part of me. It does effect my confidence alot. At school I would be called a scared freak. Hope it helps knowing ur not alone. Here if u need a chat x hugs x

angel wings
28-02-12, 16:20
i got the shakes too but mines the cit didnt have it before my legs look like jelly when i walk down the stairs....
as for the fags i did have every intention to give up and even brought one of those electric ones that just give you nicotine but dont think im ready to give up yet :wacko:
see what the dr says you might be able to try something to stop them x