View Full Version : Anyone else experience this?

28-02-12, 15:49
I keep going very dizzy for instance if I move to fast and my eyes will go blurry and my arms start to feel heavy and I've been getting pins and needles in my toes. Is this all just normal panic? My head hurts a bit to. X

blue moon
28-02-12, 23:29
Hi...Maybe try and get breathing under control,all these things you mention are mostly relate to not breathing in proper way.
Petra x

29-02-12, 06:59
((Huggsss)) I feel that way a lot, and lately I've been waking up with the pinky and ring fingers on both hands numb, like they are asleep. The symptoms article mentions this as a common anxiety symptom. Hope you feel better soon hay xoxox

29-02-12, 20:10
I can relate to this. I often feel dizzy and sometimes get full blown vertigo, which I thought was unrelated to anxiety but now I'm not so sure.
:hugs:It's horrible isn't it. Hope it eases up for you.

29-02-12, 20:15
Yep i also do this, also when moving quickly anxiety defo doesnt help it, Have you had your blood pressure checked? i have low blood pressure and know this can cause these feelings, dont try standing up to quick and so on.
Hope you feel better soon
Rob x