View Full Version : Bad hunger pains and anxiety

23-06-06, 13:54
I was wondering if any of you have these same symptoms. For the past couple weeks I have been struggling with depersonalization and a horrible fear of dying. It keeps me from sleeping at night and even when I am not focused on it I am shakey and anxious. Well in the past few days I have been getting HORRIBLE hunger pains. I had gall bladder surgery 3 weeks ago and I am constantly hungry and often times I have these hunger pains after I eat. I haven't slept through the night in 6 months and not I wake up 2-4 times a night incredibly hungry and anxious. I am not exactly sure what to do about it. I have so many medicle bills now so should I go to the doc again or just accept it for awhile.

worrying is alot Like a Rocking Chair It is something todo but it won't get you anywhere

03-04-09, 15:36
Hello. I know this post is old but I was wondering if the poster found relief for the severe chronic hunger pangs. My hunger started after I was suffering from depression along w/ other unexplained health problems. It continued to get worse and has destroyed my sleep. I too am suffering from severe anxiety now and the anxiety has made the hunger 4 x's as bad. I have fears associated w/ sleep as well. Anyways, doctors can't figure out this chronic hunger and I found your post while searching the internet for answers. Did you ever figure out what was causing the hunger? Was it anxiety?

03-04-09, 21:18
Hi, I would imagine the chronic hunger is some sort of weird stress reaction. Most people seem to find that stress wrecks your appetite. It might just be different for you.

On the other hand stress burns a great deal of energy and if you are constantly frightened and not getting any sleep, your body will be desperate for fuel. I would have thought that eating sensible, healthy foods and drinking plenty of water might help to restore some balance in your body.

The anxiety was presumably caused by your depression (or vice versa) and the "unexplained symptoms" would almost certainly be related to anxiety.

Try going to sleep with the radio on or listening to music through an mp3 player if you start stressing at night time. I'd recommend making your bedroom as comfortable and welcoming as possible: relax and read in bed for half an hour before going to sleep.

04-04-09, 14:38
Hiya. I suffer with the hunger pains thing too and have done for some time. It usually happens if id been drinking the night before and I was told that this is something to do with the alcohol withdrawal and sugar levels. However it has happened also when I havnt been drinking. I is another symptom of anxiety. For me drinking lots of water helps (you also get hunger pangs if you are dehydrated just like if you are hungry) bananas help and sipping peppermint tea. It is quite distressing though and can make me feel weak or headachey. I have also taken xanax occasionally when I feel like that as it calms me and the hunger pains go. I know for me that if I stress out over it I seem to make it worse. Also a hot water bottle on my tummy seems to help for some reason. It is an unusual symptom of anxiety but I do know of other people that it happens too so its not unheard off. good luck

28-09-09, 08:27
Hey i know this post is old! Im getting this all the time at the moment. I eat to try and get rid of them but they dont always go and i struggle to tell the difference between anxiety and hunger. I dont over eat because i know that il end up regretting over eating so i stick with a balanced amount.

23-09-13, 18:15
I know how old this post is, but recently I have had bad anxiety do to my lungs spasms, this is because I recently after being inactive for about 5 months got up and ran for an hour for wrestling practice, but my mind keeps tricking me and telling me "you have cancer" or "your lung just collapsed,punctured". even though I KNOW the real cause, anyway, since this I have felt like im 'nausious' or 'hungry' 24/7, even after eating. Lets put it like this, my stomache feels like im gonna barf/vomit even thought I haven't in the 5 days i've felt it, even after I eat a big dinner, like last night I had tri-tip with bread and corn. Ate the entire plate, was full for about 5 minutes, hungry feel came back. This I believe is from my anxiety problems, I also believe its because for breakfast (I wake up at 8-9 usually, I know, that's kind of wierd) and just have a go-gurt, maybe 2. I believe that these two things contribute to my hunger before and after eating non-stop. If you figure out your causes, for one it seems obvious its because of your depression and anxiety. Another way to help is for me when I cannot sleep no matter what, I fall asleep with the tv on my favorite shows, ex;American Dad, Family Guy, etc. (Shows that are funny and calming). If you don't have a tv in your room or don't wish to have the bright light (I freak out about the dark, weird, iknow.) Use pandora radio and put on someone like Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, a VERY calming hawaiian singer. Plus, don't worry about dying, you still have quite awhile till death, plus, when you die you go to heaven and meet everyone who has died in your life. (Sorry if you aren't christian) Hope this helps you figure out your problems! (I am 13, and a hypocondriac with pretty bad anxiety.)