View Full Version : going for a meal!

28-02-12, 18:06
off out for a meal tonight...sometimes im ok...sometimes not...food and meals are usually big no no's...but what is it that im actually anxious about? its a nice girlie meal with a mate and a glass of wine (relaxes me!)
im just fearing the fear?!



28-02-12, 18:37
Hi Sarah,

I was just like you going out for meals, most of the time not even hungry. I didn't go out for a meal for over 6 months, then we were invited to Chinese New Year, didnt want to go but hubby said if I didnt feel good we could come home, anyway went, the anxiety before was worse than going out. I like you had to have a couple of glasses of wine to relax me & I survived the night.
Since then have been out a couple of times for meals, twice with hubby & once with family, still not to comfortable but it is getting easier, dont feel as anxious before hand.
enjoy your night out x

28-02-12, 19:28
The fact that you have even agreed to go is a great sign! Well done you.


29-02-12, 15:44
Thanks, it was actually ok, no anxiety, even told my friend about it!

Another thing i can achieve!


29-02-12, 15:53
I know what you mean hunny , I m in London this week end for a hen night with the girls and I m dreading it in one respect yet looking forward to it in another. I m hoping I ll drink to much and won't think !!
Have a nice evening I m sure it will be fine xx

Zoe xx

01-03-12, 19:50
ooh have a lovely hen weekend zoe, i know what you mean, the thought of it is really fun...the sort if thing i would normally really enjoy....but now eh, anxety disaster!!

deep breaths, pace yourself, yes a few drinks....but i take some time out a points thru the evening, pop to the loo, give yourself a talking too...tell yourself you can do this! lots of chewing gum or mints to distract and relax!! enjoy it and if you get through it then think of the achievement the next day!!

have fun!

01-03-12, 19:52
Leave anxiety at home, and go out and enjoy yourself. GOOD LUCK :)