View Full Version : Have a virus..Sudafed giving me grief, upset

28-02-12, 18:40
Hi Everyone

Not been on for a while. My husband has been Ill for weeks and now me and the baby have a virus....I saw the doctor today to discuss a number of problems I'm having at the moment.

I started a new pill called Femodine which is a contraceptive pill and have had heavy bleeding for 10 days now...(sorry)

My ears are so blocked up I can nearly hear and on top of that I'll I just feel rough. My baby had me up al hours last night and really suffered from the lack of sleep.

The doctor has also given me some NASIDs for lower back pain as I have tingling down the legs frequently and she wants me to try these for two weeks.

I took a Sudafed today as my husband said they would help my ears, he's away and I'm struggling to hear the baby when she's upstairs and crying, bout 1 hour after I started feeling giddy and got skipped beats,,,still feel weird now.....
Also the NASIDs she gave me said on the booklet that it can contribute to having a heart attack or stroke....I've got really bad cheat and back pains prob from coughing but I just cannot get over this fear of taking medications,..seems like everything I take effects me....

Has anyone had this with Sudafed?
I'm so fed up......

28-02-12, 19:26
sorry to hear your not well maybe your pains are because of your coughing it hurts ur muscles from coughin so much it can effect your back to got to give your medication time to work being anxious or panickin is just going to make you worse but your fine have you got any reletives or friends to stay over with you to help with your baby hope your ok x