View Full Version : Pregnant??

28-02-12, 19:30
Hi everyone,
I am super anxious (surprise, surprise)...My period is almost four days late, and I feel PMS-y, but it still hasn't come yet. The last time I had (protected) sex was in early January, and I had a full period last month. I have not had sex, since. I took a pregnancy test this morning, and it was negative, and I have a few more I will do in the upcoming days and weeks. I went to my doctor today, who is not helpful at all with my health anxiety, and he said 'well do another test next week, because stranger things have happened'. Now I am horrified that I am pregnant and the tests will not show it, and then it will be too late, and I will have to have a baby. I don't know what to do...I can't escape this anxiety.

28-02-12, 19:32
If you definitely have not had sex, you aren't pregnant. Stress messes you up big time with regards to your cycle, so stressing about not getting your period can delay it even more - what an awful thing! So somehow don't stress, haha. Bad advice, i know, but it will come.

28-02-12, 19:33
Do another test yourself,...when I was pregnant with both of mine I did two tests with each so the doctor didn't even bother testing,,,my periods are irregular so when in doubt I do a test.

Both of the pregnancies I used basic boots ones that were cheap..when I was pregnant the showed immediately so was 100 cent accurate.

The test I did a few weeks back was negative, 2 days later period....

Good luck!

28-02-12, 19:36
You cannot be pregnant unless you've had unprotected sex or the contraception you used let you down. If thats a possibility then test again in a week or so, if not then try not to worry. Take care

sherylee xx
28-02-12, 19:38
hun i was 12 days late and then came on i very much doub t your pregnant if you have had a full on period since unprotected sex, loads of things other then pregnancy can make your period late id bet good money your not pregnant xx

28-02-12, 19:40
It is just so frustrating when the doctor says stuff like that, even when he knows I struggle with HA. It made me feel like I was the 1% of people who do not know they are pregnant or something.