View Full Version : a little advice please?

28-02-12, 22:35
Hello, so I've spoken before about the 'metallic/sweet' taste in my mouth, I've had really bad anxiety over this worrying its a fit. (I've never had one before) but basically, my anxiety makes the taste worse.. I've had it really bad tonight and when I've now had a drink from not having one before the worry which made it worse, the drink tasted weird.. Is this normal?? Please someone give me some advice. Thank you :-)

29-02-12, 23:04
Hi. I said about the metal taste, well now its more a sweet taste and my mouth feels warm, I'm really worrying this is a fit even tho I've told the doctor today and he has said its not. The back of my tounge is white, and I can feel my synus's are blocked abit, but its the taste getting to me :(

29-02-12, 23:28
i'm sorry i dont know much about taste/tongue etc :( but i dont see how it would be a fit? i dont know, i just always assumed with a fit you are jerking around and cant move of your own will etc. if your sinuses are blocked and your tongue is white, it's probably a cold or something like that altering your sense of taste. or you might be a bit dehydrated, if your mouth is dry you can get a funny taste sometimes. i know its hard but if the doc says its nothing to worry about, then i would assume it isnt anything harmful. would you go to another doc for a second opinion maybe? even just to put your mind at rest?

01-03-12, 08:04
Have merged your two threads together, if you dont get replies to a post, please dont repost the next day with the same thing, you can always add a new post to the old thread

angel wings
01-03-12, 08:58
have you tried going to the dentist i get a irritated throat and burning tongue and have had it for months dr didnt do much... but when i went to see the dentist and mentioned it he said he would refer me to an oral specialist might be worth a try !!!!