View Full Version : Lung cancer

28-02-12, 22:55
My dad had his X-ray today and has been diagnosed with lung cancer, my heart has shattered into millions of pieces and the fear of watching him suffer is so scary and sad.

My mum has a ovarian scan on Thursday because of excess wind and a lump felt by the doctor.

Scared is not the word I am pretty inconsolable at the moment and would like to talk to anyone who has been through similar

28-02-12, 23:35
Kirsty, I'm so sorry you and your family are are having such a rough time of it. I can't say that I have been through what you are going through right now, its just awful. As little as it is I wanted you to know that thoughts are with you and yours. Stay strong.

28-02-12, 23:38
Thank you I hope you never have to go through this x

29-02-12, 00:18
I'm so sorry to hear that. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer several years ago, my world honestly was shattered, and I couldn't see a way out of the darkness that seemed to suddenly drop on us, up until that point we'd all had wonderful, healthy, happy lives. A cancer diagnosis changes everything, but I promise, you will get to the point where you begin to accept it, it becomes part of your life, albeit a VERY unwanted part, but when the shock and upset wears off, you will find strength to help your dad and mum to get through it.
Do they know what stage it is? x

29-02-12, 00:48
No he was dx today and hopefully will get ct scan this week. He has had a cough for 4 months and on Saturday began coughing blood this to me can only mean the worst :(

My mum has a scan Thursday and I am so scared she is post menepausal and so in the risk for ovarian cancer tho her lump is above the ovaries.

I am so sorry to hear about your mum. Our family had never been touched by cancer and now it's all coming at once.

My dad is a very positive thinking person obviously I am not, I have to try and carry on for my 3 year old but I can't see how.

I am tortured with morbid thoughts and likewise the thoughts of happy times are making me sad too

29-02-12, 07:27
im really sorry kirsty. we are all here for you.. i know it doesnt mean much but we are xxxx

29-02-12, 07:49
Hi Kirsty

My dad died from pancreatic cancer 13 years ago, he was my rock and I still miss him dearly. We always thought he would die from lung cancer because he had been a heavy smoker all his life. They can cure lung cancer, that actress from hart to hart had it and she's 100% fine now! My thoughts will be with you and your mum on thursday....loads of hugs:hugs::hugs:xxxxx

29-02-12, 08:49
I can't do it I can't do this

---------- Post added at 08:49 ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 ----------

There seems to be very little positive outcome on lung cancer. I joined the cancer and Macmillan forums and thought this would help. The stories on there are heart breaking and scary. People being diagnosed and dying within months. Watching loved ones suffer I would rather be hit by a bus

29-02-12, 08:59
I'm very sorry things are so worrying right now. I just wanted to mention that Lance Armstrong, the famous cyclist recovered fully from lung cancer and went on to race again. I will say a prayer for you and your family.

29-02-12, 09:19
But with my dads symptoms it cant be anything but late stage I know it and what of my mum had ovarian cancer they are my world my best friends, people don't appreciate their parents but I do I love them with all my heart would chose to spend time with them over anybody, I moved down the road from them because I love and need them so much and now this I should have it not them. Maybe if I spent less time worrying about myself last year I would have got them to a doctor sooner

29-02-12, 09:22
Oh Kirsty im so sorry to hear this im sending you huge :hugs: i can't even begin to imagine how you are feeling right now but we are all here for you to give you support :hugs: xx

29-02-12, 12:45
I am so sorry you are going through this. I wish with all of my heart that you did not have to. When my mom was diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer, it was just a total shock and it felt like my world was turned upside down and I was walking around in a dream state. I still feel that way sometimes now that she is gone.

Lung cancer is treatable, that is important to remember. Right now all you know is that he has it, I am assuming you don't know about the stage unless I missed that in the posts. Just take it one day at a time, and try so hard to only think about right now and not project out into the "What ifs" of the future. That got me through it when my mom was sick.

But most important - Take care of yourself!!!! I didn't do that. I threw myself in head first taking care of my mom, my family, and left myself behind. I shouldn't have done that.

Also don't be surprised if your anxiety goes through the roof. It's probably already there. For me, it is sometimes easier if I am aware that my anxiety will be bad and that my perception of my own symptoms are skewed.

Again, I am so sorry you are going through this. There are lots of support groups for caregivers of people with an illness. I suggest you look into some when you feel ready. But remember everything is still so new, you just have to take one day at a time and work with what you've got.

29-02-12, 13:01
Thank you

I don't know how you cope when a loved one is suffering I am still in shock and disbelief and morbid thoughts occupy my mind. The happy ones of my family get me just as much tho :(

He has a ct scan tomorrow so I guess more will come clear in the coming week, my mum also has her scan tomorrow so it's going to be a hard day.

My dad is the optimist and I am failing miserably and thinking we have caught this early, he has had this cough for months and should have been at the doctors after weeks maybe then hope would exist

29-02-12, 13:49
I know, it is so hard to not let your mind go wild with those thoughts, especially when they feel so imminent and real. Just be kind to yourself and know that everything you are feeling and going through is a normal reaction to a shock like this.

Focus on the moment, as hard as it may be, and even though this moment may be an awful one. You are in shock and that shock could last a while. It is important to just feel what you are feeling and take care of yourself. If you are going to be there for your dad, you have to also be there for yourself. It's like how on airplanes they tell you to put the oxygen mask on yourself before helping anybody with theirs.

Keep us posted on how things are going!

29-02-12, 16:49
I am so very sorry Kirsty to hear of you Dad's diagnosis. My father had lung cancer and I can so understand what you are going through at the moment. Hold on for somthing positive from the next scan and I hope your mother has reassuring results from hers tomorrow. Thinking of you and saying a prayer. X

29-02-12, 21:31
I hope you get Some positive news tomorrow, and they have amazing treatments for cancer these days, please don't do to much reading on lung cancer and looking at peoples stories unless there positive ones as I drove myself mad on the Internet googling stuff when my dad was diagnosed and it didn't help I just went out my mind with worry.

Goodluck an be strong!

Love Jayne xx

29-02-12, 21:45
Hi Jayne

What was your dads situation?

I am not really googling I joined the cancer and Macmillan forum and thought it would help but it is full of horror stories.

Tomorrow I have played out in my mind and I hope I am wrong and am given some positive news about my mum and dad but positivity is not something I am good at

29-02-12, 21:56
Hi Kirsty
I didn't really want to answer that question while your upset but he passed away 10 years ago but it wasn't lung cancer, he had secondary bone cancer from an unknown primary cancer so they didn't even know what to treat him with, which was difficult, I really believe though that people can be cured of this desiese and positive thinking is a must.
I'm here if you need any advise!
Jayne xx

29-02-12, 22:05
I need alot of advise I don't know how to cope. My dad is positive thinking but to me he has been given a death sentence and possibly my mum too. I question what we have done so wrong to deserve this, I blame myself being do wrapped up in my HA last year when I should have sent them both tothe doctors sooner

29-02-12, 22:12
Aww dont blame yourself your just going through so many emotions, you really need to be positive and strong so you can help them, I used to go to the consultant apps to make sure everything was being done, you have to be pushy sometimes, once they have the results tomorrow ask them so how long before treatment starts, and if you have any questions write them down and ask the consultant, my dad went to christies in Manchester, they are fab there very friendly, not everyone with cancer dies my uncle had it about 8 years ago and he's fine now, so think positive.
Jayne xx

29-02-12, 22:39
Sorry you are going through this - thinking of you and sending you hugs :bighug1:xxx

macc noodle
29-02-12, 23:43


Not quite sure what to say here since it seems an absolute bolt from the blue that you dad is poorly whilst you are trying to cope with the scan booked for your mum. But you will get through it I know you will find the strength to face whatever is necessary.

It is amazing where we find our strength from when needed.

Hope that you get some good news regarding your mum tomorrow and then you can concentrate on supporting your father through his illness.

Thinking of your tonight xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-03-12, 18:42
Just checking in and hoping you are doing as ok as you can be right now. Try to get away for a little, go to the mall or grab some coffee with a friend. A brief change of scenery can work more wonders than you might expect.

01-03-12, 18:59
Well I got our for a while to go and fail my driving test :-/

My dad had his ct scan this morning so now it's just waiting and hoping.

My mum had her ultrasound they only did a pelvic ultrasound not a transvaginal? My mum asked if they could see anything and they said no but pictures would need to be looked at closer.
Not much help when the same hospital told my dad after his X-ray it mite be an infection then told its lung cancer :(

Thank you for asking xxx

macc noodle
01-03-12, 21:55

I know you are having a really hard time at the moment but if they did not do transvaginal then they must be happy with what they saw doing the pelvic ultrasound.

They always cover themselves by saying the pics. need to be looked at closer but honey they do this all the time.

With regard to your dad - I pray that you get good news when he has his ct scan results.

Big hugs and much love to you and yours Kirsty xxxxxxxxxxxx

02-03-12, 06:55
Thank you I know things are pretty s**t at the moment if my mum gets good news that will be amazing and hopefully my dad gets the best news that he can xxx

02-03-12, 07:16
So sorry to hear you are going through this. I was with my Mum the moment they told her she had lung cancer and I nearly passed out. It was horrific so I know what you are going through.
I do know people who have been cured from lung cancer, you can have a lung removed, but my Mums had gone too far and had already spread to her spine. If caught early there's a much better prognosis.
And DON'T blame yourself. I did the same, it doesn't change anything, and you're not to blame.
Thinking of you and hoping for some good news for you. Here if you need to talk/pm.

02-03-12, 07:52
I hope your ultrasound goes well today macc let us know how it goes xxx

02-03-12, 08:39
Sorry to hear your news .

I just wanted to say that a person i know has battled lung cancer for 18 months , its in remission now , ie the tumour is shrinking with treatment .

I also know someone else who has had a section of lung removed and was out of hospital in 5 days which i find remarkable .

I hope your news gets better in the next few days .



02-03-12, 13:04
I am so sorry to hear your news, you are in my thoughts and I hope your Dad's ct san is positive x

miss polly
02-03-12, 13:22
I'm so very sorry about your dad Kirsty. I'm wishing both your parents all the best. I've been through it with my mum and dad and know just how awful it is, but here's hoping and praying for a good outcome xx

02-03-12, 13:34
So sorry to read this thread Kirsty, having your parents ill is extremely deeply distressing. I am a carer for my Dad who has a terminal illness (not saying yours does btw!!) and all I will say is that you do find strength, after the shock, you settle and find a way forward which is positive. IF you needed to you will find that your love gives you more courage than you imagined you could hold !!!! Best wishes for some good news. :bighug1:

02-03-12, 13:45
So sorry about your mum and dad, both mine had lung cancer so know how you are feeling. There is so much that can be done and treatment is getting better all the time keep your chin up thinking of you

02-03-12, 16:38
Thank you for your replys. Cancer sucks and having spent so much money on private scans last year on myself as convinced myself I had so many different cancers it feels like a nightmare come true that now this is reality :(

02-03-12, 18:11
My Mum died 3 years ago from lung cancer, I know how frightened and alone you feel right now and I am more than happy to lend an ear just pm anytime. What I will say is my Mum died because she refused to go to the Drs and accept any help until it was way too late, your Dad sounds like he has gone as quickly as possible and that will is the best thing he could have done x