View Full Version : Obsessive overthinking

28-02-12, 23:24
Is overthinking everything a symptom of anxiety? or is it the cause of my anxiety?
I mean ive read up all i can on mr Google, and it seems conflicting as to which is correct.
If its a symptom, then its causing me MORE anxiety! which is hardly fair!
or do you overthink , which causes me anxiety, and then the anxious mind creates more overthinking? until im in a out of control spiral !!!!!!
Or is it OCD causing it and then i get anxiety !!!!!

Tia Maria
29-02-12, 00:28
Hi Stormsky
There is no simple answer to your question - I think it is everything rolled together - that is what anxiety is - scrambled unclear thought processes - horrible but normal for us sufferers. Take heart, it will pass - this site helps a lot. Take care
Tia x

29-02-12, 03:32
When we have anxiety we have a thought, the same thoughts as everyone else. and because of the anx and panic feelings we have our minds keep reminding us of these thoughts as it thinks they are dangerous and need to be remembered. because we keep getting reminded of these thoughts we try to search for an answer and ruminate on these thoughts. over thinking is a symptom of anxiety.

29-02-12, 13:03
I think what your describing is pure o, I have anxiety and loads of overthinking, I personally think they go hand in hand, you overthink then the anxiety starts, which makes you overthink and it ends in a downward spiral, If you go to ocd.org.uk and look for pure o, it will answer some of your questions, take care Ang

29-02-12, 17:13
I've always overthought everything, I'm not as bad as I used to be but its still a massive cause of anxiety for me.

29-02-12, 20:20
I think what your describing is pure o, I have anxiety and loads of overthinking, I personally think they go hand in hand, you overthink then the anxiety starts, which makes you overthink and it ends in a downward spiral, If you go to ocd.org.uk and look for pure o, it will answer some of your questions, take care Ang

thanks, but pure O is more the intrusive scary thoughts, and yes have had those too in the past!
But my current thinking is chosen, not scary thoughts, just overthinking, questioning everything...analyzing over everything...etc,,, just mind overload over anything and everything !....

29-02-12, 20:41
your very much like me , I rememeber when in hospital being asked why I had to over analyse everything , I just dont know .. Ive always been a yes or no , black or white type of guy .. which I was told was unusual , do you never consider maybe or shades of grey ... nope I dont , I dont know if its encoded into me spending most of my working life in Sales .. where maybe doesnt cut it or what.

I remember also asking him doe thoughts cause or anxiety or anxiety cause thoughts, and he looked at me and said good question and one I cant answer. I find a thought just comes into my mind and wham ...... a flood of them come in and my head is buzzing , cant get a sec to rationalise even one of them .. its like a hundred people asking me a question at the same time and all wanting an answer at the same time

its just sheer frustration .............

29-02-12, 20:51
As a Paramedic,I can tell you a symptom is how you feel,your brain tells you what is wrong with your body,along with a sign which is visual.