View Full Version : "sweet" taste in mouth

29-02-12, 12:54
I don't take sugar in my tea,but a couple of times over the last week or so,I have taken a sip and it has tasted sweet. I also got a "sweet" taste from the poached egg on toast I was having for lunch at the same time. The cup was clean,so no contamination from any food I had previously.I asked my husband to take a sip but he said he couldnt detect any sweet taste at all. I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast 4 hours previously. It only takes something like this to have me worrying.It's a strange one,and because it has happened a couple of times now I wonder if anyone has any idea what it could mean

29-02-12, 13:03
Might be worth getting your blood glucose levels checked out, they could be high?

29-02-12, 13:36
Is that a sign of diabetes then? High blood glucose? My sister was diagnosed 3 years ago with type 2 diabetes,and the only symptom she had was a bit of a thirst,but when she registered with a new doctor and they did a blood test,it showed up.I spoke to her this morning to ask if she had had this "sweet" taste but she said she hadn't.Last blood test I had was a fasting cholesterol one,but I had a full test last year which was clear.Hmm best to get it checked out I suppose. Thanks for replying

29-02-12, 14:52
It can be a sign, it can also be something that happens to people following low carb diets and sometimes it just happens for no reason :) Sometimes I eat something and think it tastes off, whereas my Hubby thinks it tastes normal. It could even be a hormonal thing, linking into your periods!

29-02-12, 15:09
I had this a week or so ago but certain things were tasting over salty... hmm wonder what that was!! had full bloods recently so I don't thinks its anything mega xxxx

29-02-12, 17:34
As a diabetic I haven't ever had a sweet taste in my mouth as a result of high blood sugar. One thing that is sometimes linked to diabetes is a taste of pear drops, which can also be caused by exercise or a low carbohydrate diet - this is caused by the body burning fat and protein instead of sugar so it produces ketones as a byproduct (which are also found in pear drops). I imagine that if you did have ketones as a result of diabetes, you would have a lot of other symptoms too.