View Full Version : Cards on the table.

29-02-12, 13:09
Hi, so I'm new here. I was googling around for advice on going into occupational health assessments and stumbled in here. I wish I'd accidentally landed here before now.

I'm in my mid twenties, and have suffered with bouts anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember. My anxieties escalate quickly, and can be extremely debilatating.

I am curently 'half back' to work after a long period of sickness and anual leave (beginning around 7-8 months ago). I suffered a major (I'm not sure what you'd really call it) nervous breakdown following an extremely distressing period of my home life including family deaths and illnesses (and other things I can't really talk about). I haven't received a formal diagnosis of my illness but am currently prescribed 20mg Citalopram and beta blockers (propanalol?).

On top of this I've also recently been bailed out of several thousand pounds worth of debt, and had to accept some pretty severe personal failings. I'm moving back to my home town to be nearer my family, along with my fiance, three cats and a chameleon.

I'm having trouble with work as the role requires me to work from a busy open plan office, travel regularly accross the UK and train large groups of staff. Due to my ongoing issues, all of this is extremely difficult for me to do, so I'm just sort of working from home, doing what I can to be vaguely helpful whilst I await my work-organised occupational health assessment.

I've applied for an alternative job within the company that will allow me to work from home and not have to train, which seems like it will aid my recovery. I am fairly well qualified for it and interview well, but I think my attendance record will be a major barrier. My line manager is empathetic and supportive, but is getting a lot of pressure from above to get me doing my old job asap. I'm worried about what happens if my employers/occ health decide I'm not fit for my role and aren't able to transfer me into another.

Well, that was a lot to get off my chest. I've probably posted in the wrong place or something. I'm a bit like that.

29-02-12, 13:11
Hi trialanderror

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

01-03-12, 09:12
Hi there and :welcome:

I know there will be a lot of people on here who share your experiences. It really seems like you are aware of your feelings and ways to get better, which is really important.

Take care and keep posting

Pip x