View Full Version : Relapse?

23-06-06, 16:14
Hi to all,

I have never posted but have been reading this site for a couple of months. It has been great. Please let me provide a bit of background and maybe someone out there has experienced a similar situation.

This whole nightmare started back in March. My fiance was on business in China and I was worrying about her a great deal. I also was worrying about some aches and pains I was experiencing as well. Well, one day on my drive into the office I got a feeling like I might pass out and I went all clamy. It happened twice and I ened up driving to the emegency room . They did a cat scan and said all clear. I then went and saw my regular doc a few days later. By this time I could not get it out of my head that I was dying of some kind of horrible illness. Anything from cancer to brain infection!

Doc thought it was anxiety/panic and sent me to a therapist. That helped as I have been doing CBT and relaxation. I was still having issues however and my doc put me on Lexapro. First few days were a bear as the drugs hit my system. Things did get better over the next few weeks and I was only bothered by mild symptoms. Definitely better and I could live my life quite normally. Doc said it would take about 6 weeks for the meds to totally kick in.

Well it has been six weeks and this morning I had my first real episode in 5 weeks or so. I thought that I had gotten through this and wam! it comes back. I was able through CBT to calm myself and realize it is just the panic/anxiety and not a stroke or other terrible calamity. But it still scared me.

I am very frustrated with the fact that I apparently have relapsed. Has anyone else experienced this kind of scenario?

Also, I think this medicine makes me yawn. And when I yawn I get a really strange feeling for a few seconds afterward. Anyone have this weird experience.

Bought Claire Weekes books and they are great as well.

Best Regards,


23-06-06, 16:20
Hi Chris

Welcome to the forum.

It is good you are getting some help with CBT and that this is proving useful.

What you are experiencing is a blip and we all get them. It is still early days for you on the medication which takes time to settle on to and unfortunately anxiety and panic doesn't vanish suddenly. It takes continued practise with what you are learning through CBT.

You can get there and come through this and what you've described is completely normal.

I just give up! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2633)


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

23-06-06, 16:56
What Karen said is correct.
we all have blips...I am having abig obe today.
Just wanna run away and hide, but it will pass
tomorrow is a new day.

Feel better soon xxx

Hay x

marie ross
23-06-06, 16:59
Hi Chris,

I also get the odd blip now and then, i have periods of feeling really good and 'normal'!!! Then from out of nowhere a panic attack will rear its ugly head. The first time it happened i was so scared as i had'nt had one for over a year, but with everyones kind words in here they reassured me that it was normal and you will experience the odd blip on your road to recovery. Give it time and you'll get through it, if another one happens, try not to dwell on it , it does'nt mean that your're back to square one. Good luck.

Take care.

Marie XXX

23-06-06, 19:58
Hi Chris

welcome to the forum, it seems to me like its a blip, tell yourself that you had a bad day the next days will be better and better, believe it as well, tell yourself also that there is nothing wrong with you at all, believe it and it will happen, believe in yourself and soon these attacks will be a distant memory, you and your finace cn get on with the important things in life. If you are looking for positives in your life look no further than your fiance


polly daydream
23-06-06, 21:12
Hi Chris and welcome, yes we all get blips which you are getting at the moment. It will pass hun.

Best wishes


23-06-06, 21:32
Think you need to take the real positives out of your experience and be thrilled that you have dne so well and also that when eventually you did have a blip you dealt with it admirably and recognised it for what it is.

You know from CBT that mostly panics are our minds playing tricks and not a systemic issue so maybe look back at what brought todays on including your thought pattern, amount of sleep, sugar levels etc

You have done soo well so take that from the experience and move on


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

26-06-06, 18:29
Thanks for the support.

Was wondering if anyone has felt a constant pulsating feeling in their thigh muscle. This just started and feels weird. Like a little bit of electricity almost. Every few seconds.

Two heads
26-06-06, 18:51
Well chris you should be reading my threads, as ive been complainig of blips for the last week.I to am on meds and was doing great entill this past week all so.And wham bam thankyou mam its back at the week end!
I am feeling sh.t to hun you are so not alone sweet.xxxx

26-06-06, 18:52
Hi Chris, I missed the first post you did, so belated welcome to NMP[:I]
I sometimes get a pulsating feeling in my left thigh, that can last for hours at a time.
hope it gets better for you soon:D

Take care

