View Full Version : Abnormal blood test...

29-02-12, 13:42
Hi guys, in a state right now... I had bloods taken on Wednesday and doc did d-dimmer, FBC, u and e, vitamin D and thyroid test. I rang the docs today to see if the results were back and the receptionist said that they were abnormal and I need to discuss them with the doctor and in the next breath she said "don't panic if it was an emergency they would have rang me" but...

I can't not panic, all sorts going through my head. I managed to get an appointment at 1600 today.

Full blown panic right now...

miss sparkle
29-02-12, 13:53
Good luck. Let us know how you get on x

29-02-12, 13:57
Hi. I know how scary it is but maybe your low in a Vitimin? I has his once before and had to go to see dr and he said I was low in iron.

29-02-12, 14:16
I'm glad they got you in today. Then at least you'll have an answer before the end of the day. I don't know what those tests are for except thyroid, so I can't really speculate, but according to the receptionist it's not an emergency. Just try to breathe and distract yourself until the appointment. Please let us know how it goes!

29-02-12, 15:35
As hard as it is try not to worry, they would have rang you if there was a problem, not waited for you to ring to get the results.

I know this for sure...last night I was sat watching tv around 9.30pm my phone rang and it was my (lovely) GP.... I almost lost my life with the shock:doh:, she'd rang to say my chest xray showed I have a small infection that needed antibiotics, and as she wasn't in until Friday, she would leave a script for me at the desk.

She said she had been that busy and was sorry she had me so shocked and worried, that it was an infection and nothing else:)

Let us know how you get on.

Trish x

29-02-12, 15:41
a positive example of something we all dred..... but all fine.... thanks trish

29-02-12, 15:48
Thanks for your replies guys.. Means alot. I'm in the waiting room now. Will keep you all updated.

29-02-12, 19:07
How did things go??

29-02-12, 19:15
Dont let ya head run riot,

29-02-12, 19:51
Sorry for the late reply guys... So I go to the docs and see a useless doctor that I don't see regularly. I can see his computer screen from where I was sitting and I notice at least three things were highlighted abnormal. I feel my heart racing and am expecting the worse. Then the doc says urrr your vitamin d is low and everything else is fine.

I did not say that I noticed at least three things highlighted abnormal because I did not want him to know I was snooping.

My mind is racing however whatever was abnormal is not concerning the GP.

29-02-12, 20:05
Hi there,

I also snooped at the screen once and saw something similar to you. I got in such a state that I couldn't help but ask the GP about them and he said 'oh, they're not yours - you get groups of results all together on one page'.

Are you sure they were all yours? I can't see any reason why he wouldn't have told you if there was more than one.

Pip x

29-02-12, 20:13
Try not to over worry... I had an 'abnormal' blood result a couple of years ago showing my white blood count was below the 'normal range'. I panicked so much as I knew that sometimes this could mean something serious. My lovely GP wasn't concerned but he didn't realise at the time what a state I had got into about them. When I went back to ask about the result, he explained that even though the results were outside of the 'normal' parameter set by my local health authority, they were only JUST below & had the blood tests been taken in my neighbouring city just seven miles away the range was set differently and my results would have been within 'normal' . Also, it is a case of looking at the whole picture and how the results interact with each other. As my GP explained to me our results would vary slightly on a day to day basis anyway, and indeed when I had the blood tests re done (purely for my own reassurance) the WBC was back in 'normal' range.
If you still worried...ask what the other blood results were, which you saw flagged on the computer & what could be the reasons. My GP (who has now retired) used to just give me a printout of results!
I know so well where you are coming from though...I declined blood tests yesterday at my GP appointment, as I thought the stress over waiting for results would make me worse & the GP didn't seem to think I needed to have any taken other than for reassurance. Hugs & Strength:hugs: