View Full Version : What I've Learnt - So Why is it Still Soooo Hard

29-02-12, 14:06
I have had HA for nearly 10 years and recently started CBT after having a complete breakdown in July 2011 and becoming suicidal.
One of the major points that I have learnt is that, I will still have symptoms but its how I deal with them that becomes the issue....e.g/ automatically thinking that I am under attack by some illness which if I do not get cured will kill me, and in all probablilty quite quickly too !!
This thought whether conscious or sub-conscious triggers a chemical reaction which causes more symptoms which can be absolutely anything as the rational part of the brain has now been dis-engaged and it is a frightening fast cycle down to the bottom.
Another part is REASSURANCE, this should NOT be mistaken for attention seeking as it is very much not the case. But seeknig reassurance for the above feelings and symptoms give a very very short hit of comfort and normality......a little like a drug addict would get and you need more, more regular to achieve the same effect. Until, like me you get no reassurance or feelings of comfort and you do not know where to turn, you become manic and sourcing information off the internet, books, friends, family, seeking reassurance and all the time your symptoms are at the forefront of your mind that this time I might be right because what I am feeling is real !!
Even after having over the past 5 years, 2 x MRI's, heartscans, 24hr ECG,scans on most of my internal organs, so many blood tests the most recent being a whole list of blood tests in Sept, I still feel most days physically ill.......currently I feel its my heart because of palpations and dizziness.
I google to within an inch of my life !! although I now am quite devious in what I search for as I put in anxiety, peri-menopause (I am 38) so as not to get the horrible life threatening illnesses back in the search list........why do I do this....simple...REASSURANCE....does it work, No but the alternative is the equivelant to going cold turkey and that itself causes my symptoms to increase.

Anyway hope this makes sense.........:lac:

29-02-12, 16:55
When there is even just 1% of you that doubts what you have learnt and you resist it, anxiety will still remain...

I have been the same, thinking things like "oh well I know what I SHOULD be doing/thinking re:CBT, but these symptoms are so scary, it'll be my luck for it to be something serious, surely this isn't anxiety..." etc lol. all characteristics of anxious thought

So instead of practicing, I sometimes find myself using CBT against myself like that! lol, thinking "well CBT isn't making it totally go away, why not" instead of actually focusing on the CBT techniques

The key is acceptance - and it takes a lot of time - you've probably heard it can take the nervous system 90 days to recover to a 'normal sensitisation' level physiologically

The best way I have learnt to accept is to challenge the feelings - even when you really really don't want to - infact when you really don't want to is the best time to challenge them. Say you were getting a heart palpitation or something, instead of shrinking away and thinking "oh no oh god" do something crazy like run on the spot, jumping jacks, to prove that your heart is just fine

It takes a lot of courage but believe me keep doing this and you will be heading in the right direction :)

29-02-12, 17:03
I have had HA for nearly 10 years and recently started CBT after having a complete breakdown in July 2011 and becoming suicidal.
One of the major points that I have learnt is that, I will still have symptoms but its how I deal with them that becomes the issue....e.g/ automatically thinking that I am under attack by some illness which if I do not get cured will kill me, and in all probablilty quite quickly too !!
This thought whether conscious or sub-conscious triggers a chemical reaction which causes more symptoms which can be absolutely anything as the rational part of the brain has now been dis-engaged and it is a frightening fast cycle down to the bottom.
Another part is REASSURANCE, this should NOT be mistaken for attention seeking as it is very much not the case. But seeknig reassurance for the above feelings and symptoms give a very very short hit of comfort and normality......a little like a drug addict would get and you need more, more regular to achieve the same effect. Until, like me you get no reassurance or feelings of comfort and you do not know where to turn, you become manic and sourcing information off the internet, books, friends, family, seeking reassurance and all the time your symptoms are at the forefront of your mind that this time I might be right because what I am feeling is real !!
Even after having over the past 5 years, 2 x MRI's, heartscans, 24hr ECG,scans on most of my internal organs, so many blood tests the most recent being a whole list of blood tests in Sept, I still feel most days physically ill.......currently I feel its my heart because of palpations and dizziness.
I google to within an inch of my life !! although I now am quite devious in what I search for as I put in anxiety, peri-menopause (I am 38) so as not to get the horrible life threatening illnesses back in the search list........why do I do this....simple...REASSURANCE....does it work, No but the alternative is the equivelant to going cold turkey and that itself causes my symptoms to increase.

Anyway hope this makes sense.........:lac:

A brilliant piece of writing, well it sums me up to a T and so gives me that bit of hope that im not ill and do have severe HA!! Not that i want HA but id rather have that than anything bad... i hope you manage to find some inner calm kristy :) i have a assessment in the morning to see what kind of help i need... xxx:yesyes:

29-02-12, 17:14
:hugs:You are so right I do use my CBT against myself and I hadnt heard it can 90 days for your nerves to de-sensitize, I shall keep this in mind, and really really try to challenge it :flowers:

29-02-12, 17:17
brilliant potato... you should put that up with the main posts, will help alot of people :)

29-02-12, 20:12
aww I'm glad it helps :D like I say it takes a lot of courage but there is nothing to lose!

Take a look at some 'courage' posters to spur you on like I have haha


Pearl79 - how do I put it on main posts? Do you mean make a thread about it?