View Full Version : too good too be true

29-02-12, 14:19
so, why does that my mind cannot accept that past problems are over and that evrything is ok? its like that i am saying to myself, it can t be true, its too good to be true, and i try to find a problem to attach with... i don t know why this happens. i try to live day by day, but every time im in good mood, my mind starts bringing flashes from the past, will i be haunetd with the past for ever? i do a lot of meditation and cycling which helps a lot, but i cant meditate or cycle all the time!:ohmy: the worst time is when i m by myself. if its not past than its future...i m really angry right now. i have (i think) accepted months ago that i have anxiety, but some days i don t know....:unsure:

29-02-12, 15:18
Hi dabrucru, I had very similar up,until recently , my mother passed away as well as my daughter and I just could not find myself going forward no matter how hard I tried and hated being alone, now I try so hard to concentrate on one day at a time because we can't change the past my turning the clock back. , what's done is done and with the future only we can determine what goals we want from it and who knowsv, whats around that corner . so what I m trying to say is take each day as it comes and enjoy it , I know it's not easy , believe me but the hard work comes from you , you can either let it win or fight it . Hope this helps in some respect. Always pm me if you need to talk .

Zoe xx

29-02-12, 16:02
thank you very much for the reply, right now i m not feeling that bad (back from cycling) ,its just episodes. well, tomorrow is another day
