View Full Version : Sertraline making me worse :(

29-02-12, 14:43
I have been taking sertraline for a little over 2 weeks now, first 5 days doc said to take 50mg a day, but my anxiety got worse and so he said to take 50mg every other day, went back on MOnday as I had a breakdown the weekend and he has now put me back on 50mg daily, but I just don't seem to be feeling any less anxious or down, not sure how much more I can take, finding it very hard to carry on as normal for my 3 children :weep:

29-02-12, 14:44
Hi shell1677

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

29-02-12, 14:48
hang in there huni,my meds didnt really kick in until week 3-4 .....i know its hard when you have kids (i have 3 children too) but the side effects do eventually wear off.....im on week 13 of fluoxetine and had horrific side effects,i dont know how i pushed through it but i did and im so glad.it didnt happen overnight....it was very gradual......try and compare week by week rather than how you feel each day.
be kind to yourself,rest when you can,eat well and try and get some 'me time'
sometimes you have to be a bit selfish with your time

29-02-12, 19:50
Hi there - I've also been prescribed 50mg of sertraline but I haven't taken it yet as I'm very frightened of feeling worse than i already do. Hope things settle down for you - I also have 3 kids - and understand what you mean about having to cope and just keep going. :hugs:

Can I ask, as I'm very new to medication - is sertraline supposed to be one of the better SSRI's for panic attacks? I wonder how drs decide which anti d to offer first.

29-02-12, 20:01
Hi, I didn't want to take tablets at first, hate the thought of my body relying on something and then the thought of having to withdraw at some stage, but things couldn't go on the way that they were so I have tried, citalopram and mirtazapine but they both made me not with it enough to look after my kids, I recently changed doctors surgery and the sertraline were the ones the new one gave me, he said they had less side effects than the other I had tried, I can agree with that because I know what I am doing on these ones and for the first 4 or 5 days I felt fantastic but for the last week I have felt more anxious and very very frustrated and irritable. Although I feel like this I am going to persevere because I have hope that the anxiety will go away in a while. Fingers crossed anyway xx