View Full Version : Missed beats.....yet again!

23-06-06, 16:25
Hi everyone, you have probably seen my other posts about the above but I can't halp asking myself this question about this continuing problem!! ----If they are there even when you are NOT anxious or PANICING then does this not suggest there is a REAL problem?
As per usual I am getting myself worked up about them and my life has gone on hold, as I was doing ok...nothing has happened and I am not worrying about anything out of the ordinary so I dunno why they have started again like this! I still have no caffiene in my diet and I am not on any meds at all.

I had an Echocardiagram last week and I am waiting to hear from my GP. But the person who carried out the test was so un-professional, he did not speak to me apart from when I asked him questions, then he gave me 1 word answers, he was very rude and made me feel a whole lot worse about the situation than I was already feeling! So anyway, I am waiting to hear back from my GP and I am thinking that maybe they have found something wrong there! Im mean I dunno if that would make this better or not actually as I would finally have an answer as to why these beats keep coming like this. All I keep thinking is that I am going to die...I am terrified and I can't stop myself getting into a complete mess and I hate it, I am totally out of control AGAIN. Yet I thought I had this under control!!![Sigh...]

So does anyone ever get like this...and have these missed beats and what do you htink about it??

Angie x
P.S Do you think that if all the doctors are sick to death of you then they could be requesting these tests to be done , but they are only fake to put your mind at ease, I mean do you really think that the test is real or just to shut me up???

23-06-06, 16:58

I am reading Calire weeks at the moment at she states at the very early satges of the book, that missed beats
is a perfectly normal part of life, they are not in actual fact missed beats, they are just delays in your heart repeating. this is normal and just run of the mill. as anxiety sufferers we zone in on them more, but others just dont even notice them.

Read it, its NOT A CURE (dont want to get in that argument) but it sure is interesting!

Feel better xxx

Hay x

23-06-06, 20:16

I think that when doctors get sick of you, they pass you on to someone else! They wouldn't dare do fake tests in this day and age; they'd be terrified of a law suit if they missed something!

Also when tests are done, if they find anything needing urgent attention they would let your GP know immediately. If you don't hear for a while, try and take it as a good sign (no news = good news kind of thing).

Such a shame you had a bad experience - makes you wonder why some people choose to work in the "caring profession".

I am relatively new to this whole anxiety thing, but I have noticed that I get anxiety symptoms even when I feel quite relaxed and calm. I get loads of muscle tension and I had an episode for pins and needles for a week - at the time I was calm but once the symptoms started I was completely stressed. I guess maybe our subconscious mind is always on the look out ...

I hope you're ok and you get your results soon.


polly daydream
23-06-06, 20:53
Angie, are you frightened of taking medication, because honestly I think it would be a good idea for you to seriously concider asking for some beta blockers, they are very safe, the only time they are against prescribing these, is if you suffer from asthma, if you dont then they are really good, even for a short while.

Best wishes,


23-06-06, 23:50
Angie I get mine actually more often than not when I don't think I am especially anxious.

I had them badly last weekend and yet now they seem to have calmed right back down again.

I know this is really hard but if you can try to not let them bother you they seem to pass quicker.

I know if you can get reassurance this will really help - hopefully your results will help put your mind at ease. Do bear in mind that the heart symptoms are usually the one that gets us all running to the doctors in the first place. We just become so sensitised to the workings in our chest that we notice any slight beat at all. Once our focus moves off then the beats follow suit.

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

24-06-06, 13:33

Thanks for all your replies, thanks for taking the time as they DO make a difference.
Hayles - I am going to get that book, I do have other books but that name has been mentioned to me a few times now so must be good - I enjoy a good read!
Caroline - I do agree that no news is good news, you a right and also about our subconcious mind too....that is sooooo true and I think mine is currently in overdrive!
Polly - I am totally scared of taking any meds....even the thought of taking paracetamol gets me into a state...sad I know . I have been pescribed lots of different things grom my GP and I have wasted so much money getting the pescription changed then not taking them...they just go to the back of the cupboard....heck I could start my own chemist...lol
Shawswelchgirl - I am like you on this one....keep thinking that when the tests come back I HAVE to think that I am ok...but something else comes up....like I have just had the Echocardiagram and already I am thinking thats not enough and I too need an MRI! I just don't see any light at the end of the tunnel...no end to all this. I am glad your Doc has given you something for yours...and I really hope it helps you too : ). I have suffered with my panic attacks a little longer than 2 years...coming up to 7 years now and I am only 23! I just keep thinking " is this what my whole life is going to be like" gets me down a lot! So if you can knock yours on the head a little after you have you MRI, please do....don't waste any more of your life, especially as you have children.
Piglet, yes we all are so sensitive to everything going on...its mad and I hate this, I am always paying so much attention to my heart especially and also my breathing...then I always end up thinking something is really wrong...I know I am doing it too but just can't stop it!

Again thanks everyone, I hope to hear back from my GP about the test and I will let you know, apparently it can take up 4 weeks though so going to have to try to keep my mind on other things ( oh my god....yeah right)

Angie x

24-06-06, 15:50
Try these posts as well Angie ...

Been to doc's about ectopics (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=8316)
Heart Results - ectopics and dizzyness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=8474)


24-06-06, 21:39
Hi Angie

I'd just like to reassure you that you are not alone and I get exactly the same problem, ie palpitations and discomfort when not under any obvious anxiety. In fact when I am at work and the phone is ringing, emails popping up etc the symptoms don't seem to be so bad!

I guess this is because distraction is one way to ignore the symptoms, although I'm not suggesting anyone would want to do my job! and one of the causes of anxiety is that we focus on tiny symptoms or deviations from the norm and magnify them into something worse than they are.

I've had 3 ECGs done and they have all come back fine, 1 being done whilst I was in the middle of loads of palpitations - and which cost me £100 at a walk-in clinic in London!

My doctor said that over half of people with anxiety symptoms contact their doctor specifically with concerns about their heart and ask for referral to a cardiologist. I also agree with the wise comments of other posters here about how a doctor couldn't risk a law suit if there really was something wrong.

Our doctors would have seen 1000s of patients during their career including those with 'real' heart problems - not that I'm saying our symptoms aren't real - but if the doctor had spotted a trend with yours and the other patient's symptoms, and it would have been an obvious trend, then the appropriate action would have been taken.

I hope this gives some reassurance, although as I'm writing this I'm a bit aware of my own heartbeat - what I can't understand is how sometimes it can feel quite hard when you press your wrist and other times it can be very faint indeed. Maybe I need some more distraction... now if only I'd brought some work home!!!

Take care


02-07-06, 16:56
Thanks Chris and Nicola, still waiting to hear back from GP but as was pointed out earlier, no news is hopefully good news. I am feeling a little better now, enjoying the gorgeous weather! Other new symptons keep popping up though and I let them spiral out of control and then wonder why my heart does weird things! Crazy

Angie xx