View Full Version : 1 hour left

29-02-12, 15:52
i have dentists in an hour i have to have a tooth pulled out my head

but at the moment im not feeling to good but i have to go its my only time i can go yes it is courseing me pain so i need it removed im slighty anxious and nausious and not feeling to good :( :weep::weep::weep:

just need some reasurrance of my NMP freinds :)

29-02-12, 15:54
Big Hugs from me. :hugs:I went two days ago. It was fine. Dental treatment is very gentle compared to what it once was. I know you'll be fine. Thinking of you.

29-02-12, 15:56
thank you rain apart from the current palpitations and very nausious im sure i will be ok

29-02-12, 15:58
When you lie back in the chair, relax as much as you can. Drift off somewhere nice in your head. It'll be over before you know it. You'll be so happy in a short time that it's all over and you can enjoy life again.

01-03-12, 19:24
I hate the chair too, I get gassed out for any serious work but have to go through the meds and they joke im like an elephant to sedate. I'm sure all will be fine, and you will be pain free after. Good luck

01-03-12, 19:26
Good luck.....in just over an hour you will be feeling much better....look forward to it! I hate the dentist too!