View Full Version : Lump in the left outer arm- worried

29-02-12, 15:59
Dear All,

I have noticed this tiny lump in the outer arm, just below where it attaches to the shoulder ( about 6 inches from the top of the joint). The lump seems to be on the muscle.
I have noticed this for atleast an year or so.

There is no pain, or anything, and I dont even know it exists till I see it.
The lump itself is tiny and its hard to explain. Its a bit solid. I would say it has the consistensy of a hard olive, and about the size of a quarter olive cut lengthwise.

Now that I have the HA due to hospitalisation etc etc and lost a lot of weight as well, I am worried it might be something to be worried about.

This month, I had a blood test and it all turned out OK and infact my cholesterol had gone down a bit and my BP had improved.

29-02-12, 20:38
Could be part of your muscle... I wouldn't worry. If it hasn't changed in a year, it won't change!

01-03-12, 08:20
Thanks Robin.
I did some exercises as a part of my 2011 new year resolutions to reduce weight, and did some exercises for the arms using a rubber stretching band along with aerobic DVDs. I think I started noticing right about then.

01-03-12, 10:20
I have some weird lumps at the back of the armpit, in the skin where the joint is - I've looked at lots of lymph diagrams and it doesn't seem to corrrelate to where they are (this is on both sides). They *can* hurt a bit if I put pressure on them however after going through a lot of HA about them years back, I figured they were probably something to do with the muscle. In fact, I did read something about some people having some additional muscle which can cause lumps in this area. I also find if I work out and do bicep curls, they can sometimes ache a bit (along with the bicep aching), so that could be it.

Also, when I had a recent virus, I had some pain in the armpit briefly and I noticed a small node swollen in the middle of the armpit which went again after a few days, again making me think that the ones under the arm skin are not directly connected.

I could be wrong, but I'd rather not go back through the route of thinking about them too much, for obvious reasons :)

01-03-12, 10:46
Hi CelticWorrier,
Thanks for your reply.
I used to exercise systematically 10 years back with a solid physique.
Now I joke that all the muscles have gone misplaced to the wrong locations :).
As you said it might be an extra muslce that had become prominent due to incorrect postures or procedures during my 2011 spurt of exercises, where I was never systematic.

01-03-12, 14:22
Could be a lipoma if it moves around when you poke at it. That is just a fatty cyst, nothing bad. My boyfriend has two on each of his arms and one on his leg.

01-03-12, 14:33
Could be a lipoma if it moves around when you poke at it. That is just a fatty cyst, nothing bad. My boyfriend has two on each of his arms and one on his leg.
Hi swgrl, it does not move around.

08-03-12, 10:42
Hi all,
Just an update on this.
Went to the GP today.
He felt the lump and concluded that it is either a sebacious cyst or a fatty cyst and nothing to be concerned about.

Thank you all for the replies.