View Full Version : Need womens advice

29-02-12, 16:03
Ok, technically this is not directly related to HA. But my problem does cause me anxiety and makes me feel insecure.

Basically i'm quite a pale person and i have these horrible dark rings round my eyes. Every time i look in the mirror i feel depressed. In public i feel like i stick out and everybody is watching me.

What i would like to know from the women is if there are any creams out there that can help with this? Not to conceal it but to actually get rid of it?

29-02-12, 16:08
ive wondered myself , cuz i get them when im really down..... i just use camomile tea bags.. used and cold....

But hopefully someone will come along with a better idea that i can do also :)

29-02-12, 16:09
There are some whitening creams, specially ones asian people use. But there is no such cream that makes miracles. One must use whitening creams for long time to be able to get slight results. You wouldn't get results in short time.

Care for your sleep quality a bit more, it's the best under eye treatment.

29-02-12, 16:12
It's not just the rings round my eyes. My eyelids are actually pretty dark as well.

When i get a tan they seem to go. But during the winter they always reappear. I would go on sunbeds but having HA i'm too aware of the risks.

29-02-12, 17:06
Try Dermablend http://www.dermablend.co.uk/


29-02-12, 17:22
I wouldn't advise a tanning bed, but have you considered tanning creams? There are a few that are designed for use on your face :)

29-02-12, 18:33
Yeah thing is i don't want to mask it i want to get rid of it completely. I read that Chrysin is meant to get rid of dark eyes. But i have no idea what products it's in.

29-02-12, 19:35
For some reason, dark eye circles can't abide an old tea bag. Take a used tea bag (black, green or white), after it has cooled, and apply it to the skin under your eyes. Lay down while you do this - otherwise, it's hard to get the tea bag to stick. Leave in place for about 10 minutes. Make sure the tea bag is somewhat dry because if it's too moist, irritating tea can get into your eyes, which can make you look like you've been crying.
Herbal tea bags aren't recommended, except for chamomile. Chamomile tea bags can help reduce dark circles and puffiness around the eyes because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
When washing your eyes after using any of these remedies for dark eye circles, use a washcloth soaked in cold water. Cold water helps to constrict the blood vessels under the eyes and can also reduce puffiness.
Drink more water. 8-10 glasses per day, no excuses. Water helps to cleanse your body of impurities, which can contribute to dark eye circles. ..A diet rich in vit c can also help . Vit K cream with ryacin ,APPLIED GENTLY AROUND THE EYE can reduce the darkness.. Hope this helps ..Sue :)

29-02-12, 22:52
For some reason, dark eye circles can't abide an old tea bag. Take a used tea bag (black, green or white), after it has cooled, and apply it to the skin under your eyes. Lay down while you do this - otherwise, it's hard to get the tea bag to stick. Leave in place for about 10 minutes. Make sure the tea bag is somewhat dry because if it's too moist, irritating tea can get into your eyes, which can make you look like you've been crying.
Herbal tea bags aren't recommended, except for chamomile. Chamomile tea bags can help reduce dark circles and puffiness around the eyes because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
When washing your eyes after using any of these remedies for dark eye circles, use a washcloth soaked in cold water. Cold water helps to constrict the blood vessels under the eyes and can also reduce puffiness.
Drink more water. 8-10 glasses per day, no excuses. Water helps to cleanse your body of impurities, which can contribute to dark eye circles. ..A diet rich in vit c can also help . Vit K cream with ryacin ,APPLIED GENTLY AROUND THE EYE can reduce the darkness.. Hope this helps ..Sue :)

Wow, this is a great post. I read about the Tea bag thing, does it actually work?

01-03-12, 02:30
hi, i've looked at trying to find a cure for my dark circles for years, but as mine are a) hollow not puffy and b) genetic rather than something that just happens when i'm tired, theres not a fat lot i can do about it. makeup helps a little but i take it you wouldnt be up for that. i know how you feel about it though, people can be really rude about it as well, if i had a quid for every time someone has asked me if i'm tired or ill... i would have enough to buy new eyes probably! causes me a lot if insecurity to be honest.

if your circles are puffy and tend to be more noticeable when you're tired, definitely give the tea bag and drinking lots of water a go, as suzy sue suggested. if they're hollow and genetic however, it's a bit trickier. i would try one of those daily, gradual self tan moisturizers - the yellow in the tan should counteract the blue of the dark circles, will make you feel a bit "healthier", and it will build up slowly so you dont instantly look like the offspring of katie price and a wotsit :D

01-03-12, 18:30
hi, i've looked at trying to find a cure for my dark circles for years, but as mine are a) hollow not puffy and b) genetic rather than something that just happens when i'm tired, theres not a fat lot i can do about it. makeup helps a little but i take it you wouldnt be up for that. i know how you feel about it though, people can be really rude about it as well, if i had a quid for every time someone has asked me if i'm tired or ill... i would have enough to buy new eyes probably! causes me a lot if insecurity to be honest.

if your circles are puffy and tend to be more noticeable when you're tired, definitely give the tea bag and drinking lots of water a go, as suzy sue suggested. if they're hollow and genetic however, it's a bit trickier. i would try one of those daily, gradual self tan moisturizers - the yellow in the tan should counteract the blue of the dark circles, will make you feel a bit "healthier", and it will build up slowly so you dont instantly look like the offspring of katie price and a wotsit :D

Yeah, someone asked me a while ago if i was anemic. Obviously comments like these don't help with HA.

My eyes are not really puffy. They're pretty much the same all the time and have pretty much been this way since i can remember. I'm quite pale as well so it makes it even more noticeable.

Going to give the tea bag thing a try, it can't hurt. If not i might actually consider using a sunbed once a month.

01-03-12, 18:49
Do you get enough kip?