View Full Version : Change of seasons

29-02-12, 16:27
Hi everyone
Hope this dont sound weird but when the seasons change like today i can really feel when outside that spring is nearly here.....i get really anxious which will last a few days and its almost like my body/mind has adjusted to it then im ok......does anyone else feel like this because it really feels weird.:wacko:

29-02-12, 16:32
Maybe you should be happy because the days are getting longer...I guess it depends which season you prefer. Personally I feel better that the winter is over even if I don't have much of a spring in my step right now(dodgy knee!!)

29-02-12, 16:37
Thanks for your reply robin......i really do hate the change from summer to winter think i do get S.A.D and i do look forward to summer and longer days its just the initial change that i find difficult and get this weird anxious feeling

29-02-12, 16:47
I think there are all sorts of biological changes at this time of the year, it affects animals and plants and I think it can affect humans too, particularly the more sensitive ones (us I guess lol).

I'm sure you will settle down and come to embrace it. Look outside...it's still light.

And as Shakespeare said, "Sweet lovers love the spring.":)

29-02-12, 16:55
Hi Robin
Love the Shakespeare quote made me smile:)

29-02-12, 17:06
This weather is making me feel better, the birds singing just makes me feel glad that I am alive.

blue moon
29-02-12, 21:25
A pinch and a punch.....it is now Autumn and hope the weather gets a lot cooler.
Petra x:)