View Full Version : panic!!

23-06-06, 17:09
hello i have just posted a msg on the introduce yourself page so thought i would write about my panic attacks on here!
i have had panic attcks since i was 15 but they have got very bad since the end of 2004!
i constantly feel on edge al the time and think i am dying or have several things wrong with me. i no this is due 2 my anxiety from my panic attacks but i cannot help but feel on edge al day.
i hyperventilate very bad and get tight chest palpitations the usual sypmtons i have a hard time calming myself down and normally find if someone is there with me it helps.
becuse of this i have started to becom agoraphobic and dont like 2 go out in crowded places anymore.
i also have difficulty sleeping and many times i have woken up in the middle of the night havin a panic attack which is the worst time bcoz i am afraid 2 fall back asleep.
i worry about every little thing and feel like im goin crazy!?!
i have been on numerous medications anti depressants beta blockers the usual,i have seen various counsellors and have tried hypnotherapy which seemed 2 work 4 a lil wile then stopped! i have jus been given citalopram 2 try bcoz i was havin very bad side effects with my other tablets but i have heard these make u worse 4 a lil wile so i am nervous about them. i have also been giving diazapan but have been told to not take that unless i feel i really need 2. i have known many ppl 2 bcome dependant on that and i dont think i want 2.
if any1 has any advice or would like 2 chat i would appreciate it
thanx xxx

23-06-06, 18:58
Hi there. I understand completely what you are going through. I am battling panic and anxiety for the 3rd time in my life....I have been having lots of scary thoughts about dying and that makes me hurt all over and have lots of symptoms and I feel like I am not real and need to run. I was put on xanax, then lexapro, then klonapin, I still use the klonapin but very rarely and only when an attack is severe. However I haven't taken any meds other than benedryl to sleep in 2 months....the meds almost made me more nervous then the anxiety especially the lexapro. It is so funny I am afraid of dying but I am afraid to live like this too. I have only been dealing with this again for 3-4 months and it is almost too much to think about having to live with this for always.....I want so much to beat it. I wish you the best and if you need anything let me know

worrying is alot Like a Rocking Chair It is something todo but it won't get you anywhere

23-06-06, 19:53
Hi babygal

Well it seems like you have found the right place to come, nmp is great at helping people out, me a few months ago I wouldnt have said i would live much longer, however, the support I got from NMP made me change my outlook completly. Here you will find the most helpful people in the world, and some of the funniest as well. Come into the chat room, they will make you laugh, they will also revert to help mode if you need it, one otr more of the people in chat will help also they will never judge you.

It seems to me that you could do with some help in getting yourself straight, if you want to talk to me i am availalbe look forward to hearing from you and welcome


23-06-06, 21:07
hello, i can't believe you are given valium like that, my docs will NOT give me these drugs anymore and i think that is best because they do calm you down physically, i have said eleswhere that they don't calm your mind, let me explain i have had valium and ativan when only physical symptoms were my problem, and they worked, and then i've had them when my mind was'nt right and i'd lost my mum and then they did'nt work i still woke up feeling like i was dying and spent all day thinking i was dying!!! so sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. i am agoraphobic and once you start this behaviour it's quite hard to stop, so try very hard to face the fears little bits at a time and you will gain confidence. another thing i want to suggest and i'm niot the only one to advocate this, can you do exercise? like do you like it are you good at it? even if your not you can try something, do you have a dog that you and someone else at first could take for a walk and make it very long and very brisk? also bike riding, you can get home fairly quickly, swimming if you go with someone or at a quiet time, and if you can't cope just get out and get dressed without having a shower, going for a run? anyway i'm waffling now, the point is exercise turned my life around last time i was bad. me and mark started to bike ride as he wanted to lose weight, he was very fat at that time!!! aftrer i had been i could not believe how i felt, my whole body was relaxed and i did'nt give it time to not feel like that again and we went back out the next day and the next. adrenaline is for the fight or flight response, but most people suffering are just sitting on it, and not using it, and exersise (fairly vigorous) blows it off - believe me it does work, but you have to do it quite hard, good luck and please give it a go!! emmas

23-06-06, 21:41

Seems like you have tried all sorts of things but not a multi faceted or a sustained approach.

There is no miracle cure, you need to look at your life style as well as what thought patterns you are teaching yourself into believing. Were any of your counsellors CBT in their treatment ?

**becuse of this i have started to becom agoraphobic **

Avoidance is the easiest way to become agoraphobic and whilst it seems to make total sense at the time it leads to a longer recovery.

Valium is great for an ocassional emergency rescue drug- do not take it regularly or you can becoem dependant on it and that brings new issues.

Do read the first steps article and take heed from Keith- he's been through it all with us and done extremely well indeed.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

24-06-06, 03:26
Hang in there BabyGirl! You are not alone and I wish you the best.


24-06-06, 17:09
thankx 4 al the support and advice everyone i am sure there will be many days when i need it! look 4ward 2 spekin 2 all soon xxx

25-06-06, 00:41
Hi and welcome to NMP. You are definately not alone here hun and will get lots of support.
Wish you all the best.

Take care

