View Full Version : Twitching hand

29-02-12, 17:57
Hi there-a while back, my health anxiet obsesion was MND. However in the end I dismissed it realising I would not be so strong and healthy if I did have it.
However, the last few days I have started to have this twitching in the muscle between my thumb and fore finger on my left hand which makes my thumb look like its jumping up and down. It started Saturday morning and I just thought it was because of how I had been sleeping. However, then, all day yesterday it was twitching on and off whenever I was at rest and although it is a bit better today, its still doing it.
The logic part of me is saying maybe it is because I use my forefinger on this hand to click the left mouse button on my laptop and I have been using this button more lately (browsing internet shopping sites lol). But then on the other hand I am panicking thinking that because the symptoms are so localised and came on quite sudden that its something serious-specifically ALS or MND.
I have done all the usual strength tests and seem to not have any weakness (although to complicate matters I have radial nerve damage following an accident in this arm which prevents me from being able to use my left hand properly)

29-02-12, 20:37
I get that all the time. Sometimes worse than others (usually worse with anxiety). It is not a concern, and twitching of the thumb is normal.

ALS/MS, etc.. are not a concern. There is more weakness (i.e. the area just doesn't work) than twitching. And anxiety also causes weakness, so if that is a concerns don't worry. Real weakness would present itself

29-02-12, 20:48
I get this too, normally when resting, don't worry :)

29-02-12, 21:54
Nope there is no weakness-other than what is already there due to the nerve damage an believe me I have been trying all day to pick big fat dictionaries etc.... If I am busy the twitching doesn't bother me-its as soon as I relax it starts.
Logic is telling me its only the same as a twitching eyelid but the anxiety is telling me its something serious-aaarrgh

victor jara
01-03-12, 11:40
Hi 80s child. I can empathise with you about fear of mnd. This has blighted my life for over a year now. These sort of symptoms can be caused by many things both physical and psychological and as others have said the major symptom with mnd is weakness and or muscle atrophy. If you are like me you go onto the internet google a symptom like twitching and surprise ,surprise what comes up . The worst case scenario.

Take care Victor