View Full Version : Missed / fluttery heart beats ALL DAY

29-02-12, 18:43
I have had these missed / ectopic heart flutters before. i had ECG 3 mth ago and blood test and all ok. It feels like i missed a beat but my hubby had them and i remember the doc saying its actually an extra beat.
I am under a bit of stress at the mo..i am ill with virus / sinusitis and generally unwell.
This morning i was woken up 7.30am by these awful thuds in my chest and fluttering in my throat. iTS just not goin at all...i dont remember them lasting this long..have had them 12 hrs now..and when i feel my pulse it is regular for about 4-5 and then a gap of nothing then a big beat...
is that normal ? am bit scared..i was actually at hospital this aft for my sinuses and told the doc and he checked my pulse and said it was normal and very common and not to worry..BUT IM A WORRIER !!

Would so appreciate someone advice and re assurance.
I do take a lot of drugs for an inner ear issue and a sinus issue but these drugs have never effected me before.

Millie x

29-02-12, 20:01
If a doctor has checked your pulse and said you will be ok then you will be fine :)
I suffer most when i am trying to go to sleep or go to have a lye down, however i do wake up with what feels like my heart isnt beating but more like vibrating or a strong pounding sensation in the middle of my chest, then that is enough sometimes to freak me out rest of the day.
Palpitations and missed beats are in most cases harmless and do no lasting damaging and a fast heart rate can last for days without causing any damage (trust me i am proof of that as well) so its just one of them really keep telling yourself they will not harm you and even though they are very uncomfortable the more you concentrate on them the longer they will worry you!
Hope you feel well soon
Rob x

29-02-12, 20:04
Hi Millie,
I get this A LOT and today it has been really bad! There's an article on this website about palpitations (just look to the left it's there on the side!) and that really helped reassure me. Ive had numerous ecgs and they were normal, i just have a fast pulse.. due to anxiety. Its so scary and i convince myself that it hurts (it doesnt really) and then i panic...which makes the palpitations worse. It's stress/lack of sleep/anxiety/panic etc that makes them worse.

Hope yours(and mine!) settles down soon.
