View Full Version : Just want someone to chat to

29-02-12, 19:23
Hi been feeling very lonely, and anxiety and loneliness don't exactly go hand in hand, I have 3 kids, a partner who isn't really the easiest person to talk to especially about my problems, so just wanted someone to chat to via e mail/chat who can relate to what I am going through. Been on sertraline for 2 weeks and had no change, in fact been ten times worse, and people are already saying I have gone in the head and am mental, so if anyone wants to become email friends I would be happy to hear from you xx

29-02-12, 19:42
hey shell,dont despair......you havent gone in the head...
take no notice.....I have 3 kids too....this is hard!!
email me anytime hun ,ive sent you a private message

29-02-12, 19:49
Dont listen to people, sweetheart. Think of you favorite song and sing it to yourself

29-02-12, 21:32
Hi u can pm me anytime you want too hope your ok xx

01-03-12, 00:19
Hi shell, if u need some one to talk too u csn pm me anytime too xc

01-03-12, 12:58
Thankyou everyone, it feels better to know there are people willing to listen to me, I feel a little better then I did yesterday, 3rd day today of 50mg sertraline instead of 25mg I can feel anxiety creeping in a little but trying to stay focused and not let it take hold, just dropped my little boy at nursery for the first time this week as he has been ill and I have horrible thoughts in my head that I shouldn't have taken him, he seemed perfectly well to go but thats one side of my anxiety, thinking something is going to happen and I am not there to do anything, will be staying by the phone for the next 3 hours!!! xx

01-03-12, 13:07
The little fella will be fine, try not to stress. Think positive thoughts.:shades:

01-03-12, 13:10
Hi you are certainly not gone in the head or mental, alot of AD's make us feel 100 times worse until we get better, im going through it at the min and it sucks!!! feel free to pm me anytime, you'll get lots of help and support on here :hugs: xx

01-03-12, 17:40
aw huni,sounds like youre suffering with intrusive thoughts just like me and many on here....
i bet you constantly worry about your little boy.....some of our fears can be pretty frightening.....you are not alone and things will get better.
my AD,s have really kicked in now and I hardly ever feel anxious,not had a panic attack for a few months now and my intrusive thoughts have really settled
AD,s take a while to kick in so try not to be too alarmed with the side effects......if it gets too much go on chat and into the help room....someone was always there to calm me down when I first joined xxx
or pm me and I,ll come on chat (you have to have been a member for 5 days before going on chat) :hugs: