View Full Version : Aching arms

29-02-12, 19:30
I wake up with them, they sometimes last all day, they feel weak like they might stop working, sometimes they feel like they are not actually mine and it's really scary D:
They are aching now, it feels like I've done so much with them and they've just given up out of exhaustion but the fact is I haven't really done much at all :/
My shoulders ache too and other parts of my body, I've considered fibromyalgia but idk if that makes you feel weak like this and tired!

29-02-12, 20:55
I suffer with aching shoulders and upper arms every day, I think it must be to do with tension in the neck and shoulders. It feels like Ive been for a heavy session at the gym but in reality Ive just been doing usual stuff.

03-03-12, 17:15
Mine just ache from waking up to sleeping, for no reason. A lot of the time it can be an unavoidable ache, no matter how I rest it is still there, no matter what I do. It gets frustrating, just want to rip them off :unsure:

03-03-12, 19:25
Flight or fight gives you the power of GET UP AND GO! in your forearms and legs. They get tired from this.

04-03-12, 15:09
Yeah, I was thinking that but then again I hardly ever get anxious yes this. symptom is with me 24/7

04-03-12, 15:16
I used to get that, it was presure on the nerves when i slept, i used another pillow, and it worked. No more aches. Good luck, have fun. And stay positive. :yesyes:

06-03-12, 18:50
I changed my pillow. It comes on randomly and it can ache like f!

06-03-12, 18:56
what meds are you on , perhaps side effect , I know some anti pyschotic meds can do this to you , and they treat with another med called procyclodine to resolve it , I found sometimes as well as my arms my legs can be affected too

19-03-12, 01:37
I have been experiencing the same thing for that last week or so. I'm also finding that my neck aches but also my jaw joints ache so i'm wondering if i'm grinding my teeth at night also! it sucks though. I"m off to the docs this arvo to check things out but i'm living on nurofen tabs at the minute.

love to all

19-03-12, 01:51
It just really sounds like tension. My partner will sometimes say to me why you so tense? i'll say i'm not but then realize my shoulders are like a scarf around my neck lol. I would suggest thinking of nothing other than relaxing and notice you're relaxing and not tense.

Good luck
Darren :)