View Full Version : Is I had a Endoscopy 2 years ago could Cancer have formed since then?

29-02-12, 19:48
*I've been having daily Upper and Lower Stomach pains for over a week now. I went to the ER a couple days ago and they did Blood Work and a Ultra Sound everything was normal. But I've been freaking out it could be Cancer . I had a Abdominal CT Scan 2 months ago as well. I'm really freaking out here

29-02-12, 19:55
why ws your CT abnormal x

29-02-12, 19:58
Stomach pains are not usually cancer but IBS or a bug even

You don't have cancer in my opinion if you have had those scans and had the all clear.

29-02-12, 22:43
why ws your CT abnormal x

No it was normal. But I heard cancer could be missed on CT Scans.

29-02-12, 22:48
Anxiety it's self can cause stomach pains due to acid build up, usually when you are anxious you take quick shallow breaths which produce more acid and air into the stomach causing pain and bloatedness, hope you feel better soon.
Jayne xx