View Full Version : Google

29-02-12, 20:42
How many of us would get a better nights sleep, and feel better in the morning, if we didnt GOOGLE our signs and symptoms. It can be habit forming:shades:

29-02-12, 20:47
wouldnt touch google with a barge pole LOL ... its like the leaflet that comes with medications, I pull it straight out and bin it ... if I read it ... yep I get every side effect and more than it states ... best unknown I reckon

29-02-12, 20:54
Same as me , never read the label, otherwise im checking myself for side effects. lol its a funny old world.:shades:

29-02-12, 22:52
Google is an absolute nightmare after looking symptoms up I am totally convinced I have them Im trying to stop but it is addictive

29-02-12, 23:40
NEVER google - did you not see our post about this?

29-02-12, 23:40

victor jara
01-03-12, 11:47
Agree. I have learned from painful experience to steer clear of googling symptoms.

01-03-12, 12:01
When my HA is really bad I always google even though I know I shouldn't. As I am typing my illness into the search bar I feel like a drug addict - I know I am doing something that is going to harm me but it's like a compulsion; I can't stop!

miss polly
01-03-12, 12:20
I'm slowly weaning myself off googling. I'm also trying not to read anything to do with health. It's hard because it's like a compulsion, but I've learnt that it never reassures or makes me feel better in any way ~ which is the intended purpose ~ it always makes me feel worse.

01-03-12, 12:30
I stay clear of google, medication leaflets even programmes with symptoms in, or my mind goes into overdrive and I have them all. lol

01-03-12, 12:35
I never google symptoms, I am perfectly capable of scaring myself rigid on my own and certainly don't need any external assistance in raising my anxiety levels.:blush: