View Full Version : Weird throat thing?

29-02-12, 21:35
Had a weird thing been happening the last couple of days, not sure if it's anxiety-related so my health anxiety's kicking in and telling me it's something terrifying :-/

Mainly in the evenings, I've been having weird issues with my throat. The front feels all bruised to touch, and it's worse when I tilt my head right back.

I already have issues with post-nasal drip and constant throat clearing, so I don't know if it's linked? Does anyone else have this? :(

29-02-12, 22:40
Sounds anxiety related all the muscles in the neck and throat tense up when stressed causing soreness and also I had the feeling like I had to keep swalloing as if there was something in my throat this is also caused by the muscle tension, try some swap breathing and relax see if it helps
Jayne xx

01-03-12, 22:06
Thanks Jayne, yeah I have the swallowing issues too :( Trying to relax but it's hard when you're so aware of what your body's going through!