View Full Version : Rreally anxious tonight- extreme fatigue, sweating pvcs article in paper about pills

29-02-12, 22:38
Hi there things are rough tonight I feel all sweaty and Ive been exhausted all day and I cant work out whether I am just sweaty because Im anxious or because I am cold and clammy. I woke up feeling exhausted and detached and have been feeling like this all day. But I was able to go out to a friends house and sit there for 2 hours drinking herbal tea and I was ok. I have also had a pain in my sole of my foot and I got anxious because I heard about a woman who had a pain like that just before she had a massive heart attack. And I heard that 2 people had died suddenly within the last 2 days and it does not make any sense I wonder what if I am next a great fear of mine. I am now scared to go to sleep I want to take a valium that usually helps me a lot but I read a couple of days ago in the express that people who take bendo are 4 more times likely to die and that freaked me out but Ive been taking one twice a week for 10 years and Im still here. Sorry My thoughts are all over the place.